I'm planning a new qmidiarp release within the next two weeks. There are a couple of new features and some quite some important changes under the hood mainly for working toward realtime compatibility with JACK.
I would like to know if qmidiarp still performs OK on different systems, on mine it does so far.
I attached the NEWS file additions below. Please give it a test drive by pulling and building from the git master branch, it's still time to do corrections and adjustments of the new features.
New Features
o Global Storages have new features accessible through right-click
on each storage location. You can choose if at pattern end another
storage location is automatically selected and create dynamic pattern
o Global Storage now has a position pacman indicator for each module
o Clicking on the top button in the global store window now raises the
selected module window
o When Jack is not available at program start, show a message window
o Introduce semitone shifts in Arp patterns (request 3574549 by gionnico)
o Allow repetition of the 0 note within chords to stack notes when only
a single note is played on the keyboard (request 3574549 by gionnico)
o The module input-output panels on the left can now be hidden, this
leaves some more space when running several modules side-by-side
Fixed Bugs
o When starting from scratch, qmidiarp sometimes didn't start with
internal clock
o When editing an arp pattern while running, qmidiarp crashed when the
pattern length reached zero
o Deleting the last module sometimes crashed qmidiarp
o Trigger mode sometimes caused hanging when a new note was received
General Changes
o There have been many changes toward realtime compatibility under the
hood. In particular, there are no more memory allocations/frees in
the realtime component. As a side effect, QMidiArp uses slightly more
CPU mainly due to not always optimal screen drawing.