
Quadodo Login Script / News: Recent posts

Release qls-3.1.10

A new version is here! There are approximately 20 major bug fixes, the script should run great now. If you have any comments please let me know, or any bug reports!

PostgreSQL support has been dropped in this version
PHP 5.2.0 is now the minimum required PHP version

Posted by Douglas Rennehan 2013-11-18

Soon Enough, a New Version Will Come

So I've been working on a newer version of this for a while, and soon enough it will come as promised! At the moment, I've just discovered a couple of bugs that didn't really stand out in the original tests, and were brought forward by the support forum members. They will be patched and released later today! Remember that if you ever need support with this program, please visit us:

Posted by Douglas Rennehan 2010-01-31

New Language Files Available

There has been a very minor update to the language files, just simply changing some links around in the file. Also, a new translation has been given for the Spanish file. This means it may actually resemble legible Spanish now! The French file has also been updated!


Site -
Help -

Posted by Douglas Rennehan 2008-06-17

Quadodo Login Script 3.1.9 released

The 3.1.9 branch of the script has been released. This fixes a problem that was caused in the 3.1.8 branch. Basically, the password hashing is done in a different way now, since you weren't able to edit a user from the admin panel the old way. This new way is better, and will be included in all future versions. You can download the changed files, or the entire version here:

Posted by Douglas Rennehan 2008-03-13

Quadodo Login Script 3.1.8 released

The 3.1.8 version of the script has been released! There are a couple of bug fixes that will be beneficial to you, so I suggest you update as soon as possible.

Posted by Douglas Rennehan 2008-03-08

Quadodo Login Script: Version 3.1.7 ready for download

This is just a very basic update that links you to the new site instead of the old one. This allows you to get the proper updates :)

Thanks for using the script!

Posted by Douglas Rennehan 2008-03-03

Quadodo Login Script version 3.2.0 in development

The Quadodo Login Script is a free stand-alone login script written in PHP and SQL that provides a simple solution for your needs as a webmaster. It can either be used as a simple login script or an advanced user management station. It uses AJAX in administration areas to provide the fastest processing possible.

The 3.2.x branch has been started and already some development has been done on it. New features will include:... read more

Posted by Douglas Rennehan 2007-12-27

Quadodo Login Script 3.1.6 released

The Quadodo Login Script was made to be the best stand-alone free open source login script available. With new releases of the script every few weeks tons of new features are being added.

The 3.1.6 branch of the script was released yesterday. It includes a few bug fixes as well as a new feature that allows you to show the online users.

This 'online users feature' is just a simple function that grabs the information from the database. This means it can be customized completely by you. You can set which format you want to output the list and even the separator for the usernames.... read more

Posted by Douglas Rennehan 2007-12-13

Quadodo Login Script 3.1.5 released

The Quadodo Login Script is a stand-alone system that allows users to register for your site. This means you can restrict certain pages to certain people. It's based on PHP and SQL and is completely free and open source.

In this new version a few bugs were fixed that didn't allow you to update certain parts of the configuration. I also fixed a few other basic bugs that weren't very obvious.

Download:... read more

Posted by Douglas Rennehan 2007-12-07

Quadodo Login Script 3.1.4 released

This is a stand-alone free PHP login script that allows users to log in and sign up for pages on your website. You can have unlimited members, page, groups and permission masks. The administration panel and group panel use AJAX for fast functionality.

In the newest release 3.1.4 there is a new feature that should have been included in the very first version. I am of course talking about the Remember Me feature. It allows users to select it and come back the next day and still be logged in. The option is included on the login form and can be checked off by the user if they want it. There is also a fix that allows you to set the character set and content language of the page. ... read more

Posted by Douglas Rennehan 2007-12-02

Quadodo Login Script: version 3.1.3 has been released!

This is a free PHP login script that allows users to log in and sign up for pages on your website. You can have unlimited members, page, groups and permission masks. The administration panel and group panel use AJAX for fast functionality.

This version includes a couple of bug fixes as well as a new feature. The only good thing about bugs in the script is now I know what I've done an d can improve in the future! With the new system no one will be allowed to login if their account is inactive. Before anyone could login if the config was set to a certain value. I found this because of the new feature. This new feature allows you to set a period of days before a group of accounts will expire. This is useful if you only expect temporary visitors. If they wish to stay longer they will have to reactivate their accounts.... read more

Posted by Douglas Rennehan 2007-11-21

Quadodo Login Script 3.1.2 released

This is just a quick post about a bug I found this morning while looking over the code. I forgot to add a line of code which updates the version, therefore every time you look at the updates page it would have displayed that there was an update.

This is just a simple fix and all that needs to be done is for you to run the update_3.1.1.php (or update_3.0.x.php) page and you'll be all set.

Latest Release: ... read more

Posted by Douglas Rennehan 2007-11-12

Quadodo Login Script 3.1.1 released

The newest release of the Quadodo Login Script has been released. This new release includes a small (but useful) plug-in that allows users to request a change for their password. The password cannot however be sent to them because of the security measures in place to stop hacking, therefore the system I created will send them an E-Mail with a link to a page that will allow them to change it.

This is a minor release and should be updated as soon as possible. This update also fixes a couple of errors that I found while actually writing this plug-in. One of these bugs was that on the Group Control panel if you looked at the Full User List and everyone on the site was in your group, it just displayed a messing template. This was fixed by outputting a nice clean message. The same problem happened when there was no one inside a group and was fixed accordingly. Also a useless language constant was removed from the system because it served no real purpose.... read more

Posted by Douglas Rennehan 2007-11-12

Quadodo Login Script 3.1.0 is ready for download!

This is the first minor release of the third version of the Quadodo Login Script. There are a ton of new features in the 3.1.x version of the script. They include:

-New Admin Panel Layout
--Full AJAX
--Tabbed Pane
--Ability to send invites (if not allowed to publicly register)

-Permission System
--Users can have custom masks
--User Groups can be assigned masks
--Disallow pages from being accessed
--Disallow certain admin functions from being accessed
--Disallow public registration... read more

Posted by Douglas Rennehan 2007-11-06

New Version in Development

There is a new version of the login script in development! It is almost completed now. There are several new features that include (and more to come):

-Page system
---Managing Pages Easier
---Statistics for Each Page
---Permissions for Each Page

-Permissions system
---Page Access
---Admin Access
---Registration Access

-Grouping system
---User Group
---Permissions for Groups
---Group Leaders... read more

Posted by Douglas Rennehan 2007-10-22

Quadodo Login Script 3.0.2 released

There is a new version of the Quadodo Login Script. There haven't really been any major changes, just one actually. Apparently I forgot something important on the install.php page that wouldn't let you install it in some cases (probably all). This bug has been fixed and it will now let you install the system.

Remember you can use the Tracker to submit bugs, feature requests and support questions.

Posted by Douglas Rennehan 2007-10-07

Moved to

The Quadodo Login Script has moved to Source Forge. You can still download the script in various formats, such as zip, bz2, gz and cab. The system is now released with PostgreSQL support, but hasn't had a chance to be fully tested. If anyone has PostgreSQL support on their website you should contact me at:

quadodo at

Also any questions, bugs or feature requests can be made on here by going to the 'Tracker' menu.

Posted by Douglas Rennehan 2007-10-05