
OpenDMX Flicker

Ken Jacobs
  • Ken Jacobs

    Ken Jacobs - 2014-01-18

    I have an OpenDMX interface and I know from reading many forums and posts that they are known for issues with light flickering, etc. What I have found with other DMX software is the OpenDMX works fine when the number of output channels is only sending 64-128 channels seems to solve the flickering problems.

    Is there any way to limit the number of channels being sent from Q Light + so that interfaces like the OpenDMX could become usable on a limited channel basis???


  • Henry P

    Henry P - 2014-01-26

    I also have an issue with my open dmx flickering the channels its a real pain and I wish I knew how to fix it !

  • Ken Jacobs

    Ken Jacobs - 2014-03-16

    I just came back to find some replies to this thread....LOL. Thanks for the info, but I am not sure my system suffers quite the same as others. I have not been using LED lights, just standard theater lighting cans. When the system sits with all lights on, I get intermittent flickering of the lights. No fading, just full on. I thought it might be some form of local interference, but then had the same problem at a completely different location, with a different set of lights.

    The next step was to try a different program that only outputs 64 channels, instead of the full 512. I had NO flickering problem at all once I dropped the channel count.

    Also, I am using the linux version of QLC+ and am not sure how I would adjust the master timing to experiment as described in the article.....any other thoughts?


  • Matthew Marks

    Matthew Marks - 2014-03-16

    Ken, I'm pretty sure it's fundamental failing of these cheap interfaces, which are just serial converters which don't even have a buffer big enough to hold one DMX frame, so require timely feeding of bytes from the CPU or partial frames will be transmitted. Even with a lightly-loaded computer, task scheduling is not designed to guarantee such processor availability, and things like moving the mouse can cause the output to break. Spend £20 or your local currency equivalent on an Anyma-compatible DMX interface from Greater China on eBay. They will ensure that only valid frames are created, however busy the CPU.

  • Ken Jacobs

    Ken Jacobs - 2014-03-18

    Thanks for the info interface is indeed a serial converter style copy. I went to ebay to have a look....I assume any uDMX compatible interface is a Anyma interface, based on what I have read????

  • Matthew Marks

    Matthew Marks - 2014-03-18

    Yes, as far as I understand it. I graduated from a cheap serial converter to a cheap one of these and haven't looked back.


    Last edit: Matthew Marks 2014-03-18