
Idea - Export function

  • Krzysztof Malawski

    I use 2 laptops with QLC+. One, to craete and modify projects, second to run it in live dmx show. If I createa or add a function, to transer it to other computer I have to save qxw file and copy it to second machine. That requires to keep the project on both laptops synchronized all the time. I would be nice, if there would be an option to export a function in some kind of file (maybe as a script) and have possibility to import it to other project.

    • George Qualley

      George Qualley - 2013-11-25

      Why don't you just use Dropbox? I do exactly what you're talking about with two separate setups and it works flawlessly.

  • Massimo Callegari

    Hi to you. What you're looking for is how to share a file between 2 computers over a network. Not a new QLC+ functionality.
    Since you haven't told us which operating system you're using, probably a Windows file sharing or a Samba HOWTO can help you.

  • Krzysztof Malawski

    Hi. Well not exactly. What I am talking about is working in a "sandbox" environment,where I can test various functions and a clean environment where I want to import only particular function, not a whole setup. This is not the same as file sharing, what is a logical way when you want to use same file on two machines. BTW, I work with Windows7.

  • Connor Faulder

    Connor Faulder - 2013-11-25

    I think what Krzysztof is trying to say is that he'd like to be able to export a function (as a script) and import it onto QLC+ on the other laptop (so it shows straight away without having to load the fixture).

    Sorry if I've misunderstood you.

  • Tavon Markov

    Tavon Markov - 2014-12-31

    I'd like to reopen this topic about the possibility of Exporting a set of functions from one Show file and Importing to a different Show file. Any possibility?

    • Ov3rwatch [JL Griffin]

      TAvon. THIS sounds neat. you have a show with say 300 fixtures and 150 functions. and you have another show with some of the same fixtures and you want the corresponding functions in a new show file.