Anonymous - 2014-03-08

Well, I need 20 million dollars that I'm owed for the last more than a
decade of work on other things. It would be nice to have the, probably
close to 5 million dollars from people who have messed around with me in my
life. And it would be nice to have say 100,000 ten years ago so that I
could have avoided the situation I've been in for the last ten years.

Besides that... I don't think anything would help.

It really is just the list views, and if I feel not stressed out enough,
enough to mess with that, maybe I could fix it up. And then after that,
there was a list of bugs I had... I just... this is way past a motivation

But thanks anyway. I'm sure I'll eventually work on it a bit more or maybe
qt will fix their list views and I will feel like fixing the other bugs and
putting out on a beta.

If there's a minor feature you wanted, you could ask and I might get around
to it, I don't know.

On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 8:02 AM, vger76 wrote:

Is there anyway we could help? Or is there a way to donate etc. to at
least motivate the team ;) Not that I could do much by myself but there is
a saying "drop by drop a lake gathers".

Cann't create tickets.

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