
Overlay support problem

  • Rojer Smith

    Rojer Smith - 2001-03-11

    I have the Quickcam with the PB0100 sensor, and (i guess like every1) i get these 'No overlay support' wornings and messages.
    I dont suppose there is a way to make xawtv think there IS and overlay support ... (such as a dummy server), is there?

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2001-03-12

      I find a solution, I dont know yet if it is working, but I hope (got from Gerd Knorr).

      In v4l-conf.c, put the code below in comments, now there wont be "No overlay support" message anymore and v4l-conf will run til it's done.

      If it complies with app-defaults error when trying to run xawtv, look if the app-default files of Xawtv are in the good directories : /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults

      For now, I got just a black screen and I have to go with further investigation.  If someone knows what is my problem, help will be appreciated.  I have xawtv 3.34 on arm-linux but compile without libXv.a and libpng.a, maybe this is the source of my problem....


          if (-1 == ioctl(fd,VIDIOCSFBUF,&fbuf)) {

          fprintf(stderr,"%s: ioctl VIDIOCSFBUF: %s\n",video,strerror(errno));

          if (EPERM == errno  &&  0 != geteuid())


                  "v4l-conf: You should install me suid root, I need\n"

                  "          root priviliges for the VIDIOCSFBUF ioctl.\n");





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