
Can't understand that :)

  • Marc

    Marc - 2001-02-17

    I have compiled the cvs sources and i get a quickcam.o ...but that's not a module because i can't load it.
    "quickcam.o: couldn't find the kernel version the module was compiled for"
    So i started to do the "Linking mod_quickcam into kernel" but it says to build things into the kernel but i want modules... So i thought these steps where optionals and that there is a way to compile a module... But i cant find how... Can some1 help plz? :)

    • Peter McConnell

      Peter McConnell - 2001-02-17

      I will walk you through it. just checkout slackpat on yahoo messenger (Linux version) a java version you dont have to download is available on the download page. If you have a gabber IM tell us I will log on to walk you through.

    • Marc

      Marc - 2001-02-17

      Thanks! But i have compiled the modules... I just made a make -f makefile instead of make -f makefile.inter ... I can load this module but when i lauch xawtv, the image is black and when i press a key in xawtv, it freezes all my box and forces me to do a hard reboot. :)


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