
Image is too dark by default

  • Toni Willberg

    Toni Willberg - 2001-04-07


    I got my Quickcam Express working quite fine with your driver.

    Default brightness(?) value for camera seems to be too low because all the pictures seemed to come out as black.

    Accidentally I spotted the camera to my desktop light and there was a picture - very dark but still visible.

    I used some hours to find out software that could be used as "web cam" and found out mod_video for Apache. Unfortunately that module does not know how to adjust Quickcam (as it's written only for reading bttv -cards).

    So there might be good to be a way to give "default" values for brightness and contrast etc. for Quickcam at time of loading kernel module. (Just don't tell me it's possible already ;)

    [root@pentti]# insmod mod_quickcam
    Using /lib/modules/2.4.1/kernel/drivers/usb/mod_quickcam.o
    [root@pentti]# Apr  7 22:14:05 pentti kernel: usb.c: deregistering driver quickcam
    Apr  7 22:14:05 pentti kernel: usb.c: registered new driver quickcam
    Apr  7 22:14:05 pentti kernel: USB testing Class ff SubClass ff
    Apr  7 22:14:05 pentti kernel: USB Quickcam camera found using: $Id: quickcam.c,v 1.71 2001/04/03 21:19:14 jfclere Exp $
    Apr  7 22:14:05 pentti kernel: quickcam: HDCS1000-sensor ident:00
    Apr  7 22:14:05 pentti kernel: quickcam: Photobit-sensor ident:03 64
    Apr  7 22:14:05 pentti kernel: This Quickcam has a PB100 sensor!

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2001-04-09

      I dont think that any software could adjust the brightness for now (its my opinion for now), the only way I think, maybe I'm wrong, its to change some parameters in the init_pb100 function(the easy way solution).

      Another strange thing I saw from the Quickcam Express is that it seems that from a cam to another(the same model, with the same chip), there is some major differences in the behavior.  Maybe Logitech have some problem to keep their cameras similar in all points...

      Last week, I bought another Quickcam Express with photobit sensor.  I own four for now and the first three cameras give image too bright...  But the last one I bought gives me image relatively perfect, the brightness still need some adjustment, but it gives images near the ones I got on Win 2000...  I used the same driver, I try many times cause I was surprised about that result...

      This is a major problem I think.  The driver for windows handles these changes in the camera... so the solution is ... changing some parts of the drivers... :)

      Good Luck!

    • Toni Willberg

      Toni Willberg - 2001-04-12

      I even tried to hack the default values from kernel module source without any visible result.

      It seems that camera ignores values sent to it OR the module has a bug that prevents sending them correctly.

      I'll try to hack it more sometime, but someone familiar with that module and camera internals could also involv as I'm really not a C or kernel module -expert ;)

    • Mark Cave-Ayland

      Hi there,

      When I did the reverse engineering for the PB0100 sensor, the windows driver does in fact turn the auto gain/exposure OFF on the PB0100 and does it in software (to obtain consistent results). The reason I enabled it was because I needed it for my uni project as I didn't want to have to control the gain/exposure myself.

      I believe Matt Denner (one of the developers) modified the PB0100 code so it used the same exposure/gain code as the HDCS sensor; however he reported that the result caused the frame rate to drop substantially and so it was left out.

      But yes, ideally a single auto gain/exposure routine should be written so that it calls the set_shutter() and set_gains() methods in pb0100.c/hdcs.c as appropriate without slowing down too much.




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