
Circulation discrepancy

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2019-12-11

    Using Qblade recently I’ve notice that the circulation along the blade is different to the value I would have expected. I’ve generated a very simple test to show this that you can find attached. When I compare the circulation given by Qblade with the values obtained by computing circulation as Circ = 0.5 Cl Vrel c, as it is said on the documentation file "QBlade_Guidelines_v06", I find a big difference as can be seen in the attached figure "Circulation.png".

    I wonder if this is a bug, or the local circulation is processed using another procedure to the one pointed in the documentation.

  • David

    David - 2019-12-13


    thank you very much for your comment. This is a bug indeed. I just checked the code and saw that I accidently multiplied the circulation by the density. I have fixed this in the code.

    So to get the correct circulation from the steady BEM calculations divide the value by the density.
    The circulation that is calculated in lifting line simulations is evaluated correctly and not affected.



  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2019-12-20

    Greetings, very interested in the Q-blade. I am trying to use the 32 bit version of the program, and ... the blade design module (HAWT / VAWT) as well as the simulation modules crash the program. What am I doing wrong?

    Имя события проблемы: APPCRASH
    Имя приложения: QBlade.exe
    Версия приложения:
    Отметка времени приложения: 041ef088
    Имя модуля с ошибкой: ig4icd32.dll
    Версия модуля с ошибкой:
    Отметка времени модуля с ошибкой: 4a4e2b9c
    Код исключения: c0000005
    Смещение исключения: 00031fa6
    Версия ОС: 6.1.7601.
    Код языка: 1049
    Дополнительные сведения 1: 0a9e
    Дополнительные сведения 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
    Дополнительные сведения 3: 0a9e
    Дополнительные сведения 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

  • David

    David - 2020-01-06


    from the modules that you are mentioning I am assuming that is has to do with your OpenGL drivers as OpenGLis used for the visualizations in those modules. Try updating the respective drivers to solve the issue.





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