
Batch Analysis in XFoil Module does not Initialize BL trip

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-06-03

    Hello David,

    Just noticed a small bug, if you start a new project and load any airfoil (tried with 0014, 0018, 63-228), then start a batch analysis and change the trip location from the default value of 1, the new value will be ignored.

    Strangely, if you again start from scratch for any airfoil and click "Define XFOIL Polar" and set the trip location, but do not run the (single curve) simulation, then go back to the batch analysis dialogue and run it, the trip location is now accepted. I am guessing this has to do with how the batch analysis dialogue box interfaces with the XFOIL setup?

    Cheers, and thanks for all the work on this awesome piece of software!


  • David

    David - 2016-06-03

    Hi Mark,

    this is due to the behaviour of XFoil in the code. During a batch simulation run, only polars that have a new unique name thats not in the database already are saved. Since the automatic polar naming is only done with respect to RE,MA and NCrit a new trip location does not lead to a new name and thus the newly created polar is just deleted during the batch run. If you want to have polars with different tripping locations you would have to delete the "old" polars first or create them manually with a unique name.



  • Mark Miller

    Mark Miller - 2016-06-06


    Thanks for the reply, but maybe I should clarify the behavior. If I start a new project, and a new batch run of polars with all trip locations set to a value other than 1, that value is ignored and the default value of 1 is used. This led me to having a batch of polars which I thought were tripped (for a comparison study), but were not. Like I said, its a minor annoyance that most people will not run in to, and happens only when you first start a project.

    I attached an example run file, the batch run was completed first, with trip set to x/c=0.1. The two runs with differing names were completed after, one tripped and one without. Note that the untripped polar matches the batch runs.



  • David

    David - 2016-06-10

    Hi Mark,

    thanks you for your explanation. It helped me to identify the bug and fix it! The trip values were just not assigned from the BatchDialogue to the XFoil simulations in these "old" parts of the code. The fix will go into the new release that is due to in a few days. Thanks again for the help - I would never have found that myself...




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