
Footpounds unit conversion

  • ingvar tjostheim

    I tried adding footpounds to the unit conversion using "ft lb" but the conversion from the made footpounds to existing newton meters ends up wrong.

    I suggest later versions of Qalculate to be made with foot-pounds as part of the default setup.

    Thanks for a great program!

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2005-06-16

      I was not aware of the existence of the foot pound force unit. The problem is that foot-pounds is not the same as ft * lb, thus foot-pounds must be added as an "alias unit" with N_m (the reference for the "composite unit" for N * m, as alias units can not be created with a unit expression as base but with an intermediary composite unit) or J (joule) as base unit and 1.355 818 as relation.