
Thanks for Qalculate

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Yesterda I tryed for the first time Qalculate and it was true love!
    I mean, this software is really cool! And the thing I like more is the symbolic calculation of all functions it knows (and them are really a lot!).
    It makes me more and more happy!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Forgot to say: many many many huge thanks for this software!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Indeed, I love this software :D

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I agree!
      It is a excellent piece of software, should become a default KDE calculator. I really love the "Factorize" function. Many thanks to the author.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I have to say it was love at first sight for me too. Very useful! Thanks!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Yes Qalculate is a great program. I use it on an EEE PC, so it is like a big calculator + I can project it on a screen with a beamer. What do you think of compiling a static version of qalculate, so that you could use it without libs,  just in case it isn't maintained ?


    • Jonathan Stickel

      Yes, qalculate development and maintenance appears to have stalled lately.  I was in contact with the current lead developer a few months ago, intending to release an update with some maintenance patches, but I haven't found the time.  I doubt that releasing a static compiled version is the answer.