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PyWX version 1.0b1 released

PyWX embeds the Python scripting language into the free, open-source AOLserver/OpenNSD web server to give you multithreaded performance of Python scripts and access to the great NSD API.

Version 1.0b1 introduces significant new features to PyWX:
+ Support for multiple "context pools", independently
configurable, so that different sets of URLs can be
handled with different settings and with extra isolation
from one another.
+ A new single-interpreter, multiple-thread mode of
executing scripts. This is in addition to the old
multiple-interpreter, multiple-thread mode, and the two
modes can coexist. This mode has slightly better
performance and makes it easy to cache nontrivial objects
across scripts.
+ PyWX's handling of script exceptions can be customized,
as can the default error screen.

Posted by Michael Haggerty 2001-03-01