
#743 Microsoft Sapi.SpVoice

v1.0 (example)

stackless python 2.7.9 32bit
pywin32 220 32bit

sample code

import win32com
from time import strftime

tts = win32com.client.Dispatch("Sapi.SpVoice")
tts.Voice = tts.GetVoices('Name=Microsoft Anna')[0]
tts.AudioOutput = tts.GetAudioOutputs()[0]
tts.Rate = 3
tts.Volume = 100
tts.Speak('<context ID = "date_mdy">%s</context>' % strftime("%m/%d/%Y"))

I get this traceback if it either sets the AudioOutput or the Voice.
pywin32 219 works fine

    tts.Voice = tts.GetVoices('Name=Microsoft Anna')[0]
  File "win32com\client\dynamic.pyc", line 565, in __setattr__
com_error: (-2147352573, 'Member not found.', None, None)

I do have a workaround for setting the voice and it has to be added to the text to be spoken.
which would look like this

'<voice required="name=Microsoft Anna"><context ID = "date_mdy">%s</context></voice>' % strftime("%m/%d/%Y")

but I have not found a way around setting the audio device in this same manner,


  • Kevin Schlosser

    Kevin Schlosser - 2017-01-11

    there is a correction to the sample code. it is supposed to be import win32com.client

    but I have found where the error is


    function _GetDescInvokeType

    it reads

    def _GetDescInvokeType(entry, invoke_type):
    # determine the wFlags argument passed as input to IDispatch::Invoke
    if not entry or not entry.desc:
    return invoke_type
    varkind = entry.desc[4] # from VARDESC struct returned by ITypeComp::Bind
    if varkind == pythoncom.VAR_DISPATCH and invoke_type == pythoncom.INVOKE_PROPERTYGET:
    return pythoncom.INVOKE_FUNC | invoke_type # DISPATCH_METHOD & DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET can be combined in IDispatch::Invoke
    return invoke_type

    but i believe it needs to read

    def _GetDescInvokeType(entry, invoke_type):
    # determine the wFlags argument passed as input to IDispatch::Invoke
    if not entry or not entry.desc:
    return invoke_type
    varkind = entry.desc[4] # from VARDESC struct returned by ITypeComp::Bind
    if varkind == pythoncom.VAR_DISPATCH and invoke_type == pythoncom.INVOKE_PROPERTYGET:
    return pythoncom.INVOKE_FUNC | invoke_type # DISPATCH_METHOD & DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET can be combined in IDispatch::Invoke
    return varkind

    This does fix my issue, but I am not sure if it would cause any others. but this is sort of how the return was done in 219

  • Nicole Swindell

    Nicole Swindell - 2017-11-28

    I also get the error "Member not found", which only occurs with 220 and 221, 219 works fine. Our COM object is 32 bit, and I tried it with the following:

    • pywin32 219 builds worked with 32 bit Python 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 (pwin32 219 does not support 3.6).
    • pywin32 221, 220 builds failed with 32 bit Python 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6.

    The python code uses win32com.client.Dispatch, and the error occurs on the last line, tl.Config = cn :

    cr = win32com.client.Dispatch("Creator")
    cn = cr.CreateConfig("config")
    tl = cr.CreateTool("myTool")
    tl.Config = cn

    The traceback is from pywin32 221 with 32 bit Python 3.5.0:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 65, in <module>
    tl.Config = cn
    File "C:\Python350x32\lib\site-packages\win32com\client\", line 565,
    in setattr
    self.oleobj.Invoke(entry.dispid, 0, invoke_type, 0, value)
    pywintypes.com_error: (-2147352573, 'Member not found.', None, None)


    Last edit: Nicole Swindell 2017-11-28