
Translation to German

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-08-09

    I'd like to have a translation to German, maybe I can find some time to do it myself.

    • What do I need to do it?
    • How looks the workflow like (using Ubuntu Linux)?
    • How much time does it estimately take?
    • How often has it to be updated?
  • Ireneusz Imiolek

    Hi, sorry about the length of time it took me to answer. Didn't have access to the PC for the last 2 weeks. First of all thanks for your interest to translate the project. You can find some useful info about the translation at the following location:

    I'll try to answer each of your questions in order:
    1. I presume you managed to run the program so you have python and pygame already working. The only extra thing to translate it is the Poedit program (a free software) that helps a lot with the translation. You could as well use notepad, but then wouldn't be able to see your transaltions in action as you work through it.
    2. There are 2 files that you would need to work with: pysiogame/i18n/po/de.po - that holds 385 lines to translate - some are just simple words, others short sentences; pysiogame/i18n/custom/ - this one is partially done, only time2str() functions needs editing so it spells out time in German correctly (I can edit it if you help me cover all the cases). Also underneath the function there is an optional list of 589 words, these can be enabled to add some activities in word building section.
    3. Sorry, this one is hard to answer. Hopefully the numbers in previous answer can help you estimate that. You can possibly use Google Translate, and then correct where Google gets it wrong to speed up the process.
    4. Not very often since the project itself is not being worked on as much anymore - I have shifted to work on another project for Android.

    If you require any more information please keep in touch - ideally on my email (available in the project itself).


    Last edit: Ireneusz Imiolek 2016-09-07
  • Oliver vanderb

    Oliver vanderb - 2016-09-07

    I did some translation in the .po file and going on with the other files this week. I don't write it via email because everybody can see that it has been done already and maybe someone can start a review. I haven't tested it so far because the computer with linux env is in the room of my sleeping daughter ;) Will check that tomorrow.

    One question: Would it be possible to put the translations to something like Github that we can collaborate on that? Or do we have the possibility here ( I'm not really firm with Sourceforge )?


    Last edit: Oliver vanderb 2016-09-07
  • Ireneusz Imiolek

    Thanks for the translation.

    For the time being we will have to stick to this forum or emails when it comes to collaboration. I am not extremely familiar with GitHub at the moment, but I guess I'll have to look into that and create something there.

    Before you test you may need to change the following line:
    sodass die Länge der 2 parallelen Basen gleich ist zu %d und der Nenner zu $d
    sodass die Länge der 2 parallelen Basen gleich ist zu %d und der Nenner zu %d


    Last edit: Ireneusz Imiolek 2016-09-07
  • Oliver vanderb

    Oliver vanderb - 2016-09-07

    Woa..Typo .... O.o
    Well, it's a little bit late, the german beer tastes well and, at least, it was the cat on my keyboard :)

    Thanks for the quick review. I think I'll get the rest of the translations until the end of the week.

  • Ireneusz Imiolek

    Thank you again for the translation and your time.

    The entire source code added to the GitHub (I hope I have set the thing all right):

  • Oliver vanderb

    Oliver vanderb - 2016-09-08

    Thanks a lot.

    I did a first test after I created the .mo. I have to do some corrections because in the context of the UI some of the translations doesn't make sense. For instance in german you can have the "Volume" of sound or the "Volume" of a cube. And I translated it with the volume of sound which looks a bit strange on a cube :)

    I created a fork because of missing push permissions. When I've finished everything, I'll give you a pull request.


    Last edit: Oliver vanderb 2016-09-08
  • Ireneusz Imiolek

    OK, thanks, and sorry I am not very familiar with GitHub, just properly used it for the first time today, so not sure how to exactly go about setting permissions, and most of the other stuff for that matter.

    PS. I wonder how the cube sounds? :)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-09-14

    Added main elements of the german translation to the files and created a pull request on github. If you have problems with this you can easily download the sorces from here
    I already put german to the OK languages, created a keyboard, added the story of Snowhite and translated everything so far. Maybe there're some minor issues / changes but I would do this step by step, after some testers took a look.

    Greetings :)


    Last edit: Anonymous 2016-09-14
  • Ireneusz Imiolek

    Thank you, I will look into that shortly and merge your work with the rest of the project, however bear with me a moment before I'll make an update on sourceforge. I'm doing a little usability change to address few problems someone went into on one of presentation videos.

    I must say I'm pretty impressed you managed to find yourself in the source code :) especially the rather overcomplicated keyboard thing, I never thought anyone would try that :) Sorry the source code isn't very well documented - when I first started the project I never thought about that.

    When it comes to the German translation I'm afraid you are probably the only person knowing that language at the moment who works on the project, but I'll try to do as much testing done as possible.

    Thanks again for your time, I'm sure many kids will appreciate it :)

  • Ireneusz Imiolek

    That's now completed - projects merged, several issues fixed, font updated with German characters. The project is now published for everyone to have a look at and propose changes if needed.

    Once again thanks for completing the translation - the updated version of the game is available here on sourceforge or on GitHub - by the way thanks for motivating me to use it - I found it to be a great tool to work together on projects - I still have a lot to learn about it but it's an amazing piece of software. Thank you.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-09-20

    You're welcome ;)

    And I think github is a good solution to hold the code up to date or maybe someone will add a new module or somthing.

    I'll give it to a review of some german friends. maybe they find some minor translation bugs or something or give some other hints. I'll give you an update if some major issues occur. Otherwise I would suggest to hold it in the queu until the next version ;)


  • Ireneusz Imiolek

    Thanks, also if you or your friends come across any other issues or if you have any suggestions regarding anything not only translation I would be very happy to see them - whilst I am not able to invest as much time in this project as I used to - I'd happily try to improve the program if it wouldn't involve redesigning the whole thing. :)



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