
Comments Welcome

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  • Dorian Scholz

    Dorian Scholz - 2008-07-03

    Hi Ibtissam!

    you have a typo in your bluetooth address! the opening ' is missing.
    it should be:

    { 'connections': { 'bluetooth': {'classname': 'Bluetooth',
                                    'host': '00:15:A0:7B:92:E7',
                                    'port': 2},

    in case this is you PC's bluetooth address, NOT your phone's!!!
    but you could just leave it as '00:00:00:00:00:00' or just '' to bind to the default
    bluetooth adapter.
    im not sure what the port should be in your case, i've been using port 0 sucessfully.

    hope this helps!

  • Andy

    Andy - 2008-07-03


    I'm really interested in this project, but I can't see how to make i work on OS X. It say it requires PyBluez, but the home page for it at says that it only runs under Linux and XP. Perhaps the documentation could clarify how to run it on OS X, or state that it's not possible.


    • Dorian Scholz

      Dorian Scholz - 2008-07-03

      Hi Andy!

      Sorry, my mistake. PyBluez/Bluez do not run on OS X...
      But you can use PySerial and use a serial connection going through a bluetooth serial port.
      Since I don't own a mac, I don't know how to setup bluetooth serial ports, but it is possible.

      I don't know if PySerial is installed by default, but there seems too be a way to do this manually:

      If the bt-serial port is working you have to change the PyS60RemoteControl.conf:
                        'serial': {'classname': 'Serial', 'port': 11},

      to something like (using the device name)
                        'serial': {'classname': 'Serial', 'port': '/dev/ttyS0'},

      or maybe (using the first serial port in the system)
                        'serial': {'classname': 'Serial', 'port': 1},

      or the second port...
                        'serial': {'classname': 'Serial', 'port': 2},

      Hope this helps!
      Please let me know if this worked, so I can put it in the readme.


      • Andy

        Andy - 2008-07-15

        Hi Dorian,

        Thanks for your prompt response. Sorry I didn't return the favour.

        So the steps I needed to do to get this working on OS X 10.5 were:
          - run bluetooth setup assistant for my device (which I had of course already done).
          - install pyserial from PyPI using easy_install

        Then it was simply a matter of working out which bluetooth serial port to use. I found that running the script on the phone told which port it was connecting to - in my case it was called 'Bluetooth-PDA-Sync' (which I presume was setup by Bluetooth Setup Assistant) and is accessible at '/dev/tty.Bluetooth-PDA-Sync', which I put in PyS60RemoteControl.conf as described, and of course selected 'serial' as the value for 'use_connection'.

        I had tried to manually add in additional serial ports but they weren't necessary because it seems that the client by default connects to the one I mentioned (so if I used the other ports, nothing happened, even though they worked better when I was manually testing them using the pyserial API)

        I haven't installed pydbus yet - I presume this is only necessary for certain plugins? Even so, I managed to get the VLC plugin mostly working (there were a few issues with not all the controls doing what they were supposed to, but enough of them worked that I'm pretty sure the serial port config is fine - I will probably post more details about the other problems later when I've investigated more).


        • Nobody/Anonymous

          Hey Andy!

          Thanks for sharing these installation steps. I'm glad you got it working.
          I will include your description in the next release, but since I'm really busy right now, this might take a while...

          The phone script searches for the first RFCOMM port on the host and connects to it. In your case the pda-sync thing.

          As far as I rememeber the dbus is only used as a fallback for the amarok plugin.

          I'm afraid the only plugin that will work for sure on OSX is the VLC control, since it uses vlc's http interface which is completely platform independent.
          The mouse and keyboard controls might work, if you can setup uinput device on OSX.
          Amarok control might also work, if the dcop or dbus libraries and python wrappers are installed.
          Audacious might also work but I'm not sure about that.

          All other plugins are very platform specific applications.

          I would be glad to hear from you again, when you have tried out some of these plugins or maybe write one specific for OSX ;-)


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Thanks Dorian,
    I tried what you asked me but it still does not work.
    It still returns the same error.
    IOError: "An incompatible address with the protocol required has been used".
    I don't know if it is because of the Bluetooth driver.
    I am using PyBluez version 0.9.2 and Widcomm stack .

  •  ibtissam

    ibtissam - 2008-07-05

    Thanks Dorian,
    I tried what you asked me but it still does not work.
    It still returns the same error.
    IOError: "An incompatible address with the protocol required has been used".
    I don't know if it is because of the Bluetooth driver.
    I am using PyBluez version 0.9.2 and Widcomm stack .

    • Dorian Scholz

      Dorian Scholz - 2008-07-08


      The only way how I could reproduce your error message was to switch off the bluetooth device on my PC.

      So please make sure your bluetooth service is started:
      - check for the blue icon in the system tray next to the clock
      - make sure this icon is not red inside, but white!
      - if it is red inside, right click it and select 'start bluetooth device' from the context menu

      Then again make sure your configuration starts with the following lines:
      { 'connections': { 'bluetooth': { 'classname': 'Bluetooth',
                                        'host': '',
                                        'port': 0},

      Then you should get a message similar to this, when starting PyS60RC:
      LOG: thread:2280 - lib\[33]: Bluetooth.connect:
                           ('Waiting for bluetooth connection on RFCOMM channel 11',) waiting for connection

      This is when you start the script on the phone.

      Good luck

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hello, I really don´t have any experiences with Python, is there anyone who can help me with this error message?

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Rizzel\Desktop\pys60rc-0.3rc1\pys60rc\", line 322, in <module>
        pyS60RemoteControl = PyS60RemoteControl()
      File "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Rizzel\Desktop\pys60rc-0.3rc1\pys60rc\", line 66, in __init__
        self.bluetooth = self._get_plugin_instance('Connection', self.connection_data['classname'])
      File "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Rizzel\Desktop\pys60rc-0.3rc1\pys60rc\", line 299, in _get_plugin_instance
        class_instance = getattr(module, plugin_name)(self)
      File "lib\", line 22, in __init__
        self.server_sock.bind((host, port))
      File "C:\Programme\python\lib\site-packages\bluetooth\", line 363, in rfcomm_bind
        raise ValueError ("Widcomm stack can't bind to " \ ValueError: Widcomm stack can't bind to user-specified adapter

    Thanks for any help!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I'm traveling right now, so I can't try to reproduce ur error.
      But my best guess would be that you have a bluetooth address specified in the PyS60RemoteControle.conf file. And this seems to conflict with the Widcomm BT stack implementation of PyBluez.
      Try setting the address to either '00:00:00:00:00:00' or '' (empty string).
      If this does not help, u could use a bluetooth serial connection, instead on normal bluetooth connection.
      Hope that helps!

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I am getting the following under win vista:

    LOG: thread:1316 -[301]: PyS60RemoteControl._get_plugin_in
            ('could not import class Mouse from module Mouse_RemoteControlPlugin',)
    LOG: thread:1316 -[302]: PyS60RemoteControl._get_plugin_in
                                          ('No module named MouseControl_Windows',)

    Any ideas/suggestions? Some of the other plugins look like they work except for the volume, but that might be because I am using a E51?


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    With regards to previous post:

    Looks like you need to rename the MouseControl_Window file in /lib/ to MouseControl_Windows
    and volume looks like its working fine. Key assignments for Winamp and VLC plugins work on E51 but for some reason only key 2 and 5 works with Mouse Control, looks like its wheel_up and wheel_down, but other keys are not doing anything at the moment.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    It seems that all the key presses are picked up in the Mouse Control plugin except for those that have to do with mouse_move. From the debug messages it look like those keys (mouse_move) are sent correctly to but alas there is no movement.

    Any ideas?


    PS. Is this normal? Or part of the problem?

    LOG: thread:7504 -[194]: PyS60RemoteControl.remote_key:
                                        ('no plugin loaded to handle remote key.',)

  • Dorian Scholz

    Dorian Scholz - 2008-12-06

    Hi Leon!

    Sorry about the wrong filename...
    That is fixed in the SVN version, you might wanna check out the latest version from there.

    About the mouse problem:
    - pys60rc is completely untested under vista...
    - i don't have windows anymore, so i can't reproduce your problem...

    BUT the ('no plugin loaded to handle remote key.',) error should only appear, if no plugin is loaded (i.e. directly after pys60rc startup, before you select the mouse plugin).
    If you get this error after you selected the mouse plugin, then the plugin was not loaded correctly.
    But if you have the mouse wheel buttons working, the plugin is definitely loaded!

    So I guess the problem lies elsewhere.
    It might be a Vista specific thing, since it used to work under XP.
    You could try that out by starting up a Python console, importing the win32api and sending some mouse_events manually.
    (Have a look in lib/ for the syntax)

    Good Luck

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    Yup, that "no plugin loaded to handle remote key." happens right after pys60rc is started and you hit the key that brings up the menu,so like you said... I'd also rather be using pys60rc under linux ;) but got vista with the notebook, so I use vmwear for when i need linux or use my desktop :)

    I'll checkout a copy from SVN and rather use that then and I'll definitely have a look at win32api. At the moment I am pretty much just hacking around with python, saw python for S60 as good excuse to finely just jump in and learn it.

    Thanks for the reply,

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I just noticed that i am supposed to be seeing my desktop om my phone... and i am not. :)

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    Brilliant programming here great app.

    One thing - is there any way of getting a keyboard control for windows?

    Also I think there may be a problem with my dev/input/.... For the mouse only the scroll up and scroll down function works.

    Any help would be great.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    G'day - I try connecting with my n95 s60 3rd edition phone, and I'm getting the following.. start...
    discovered: blah blah blah {u'COM7\x00:':1}
    file "e\python\lib\", line 35, in connect_phone2PC
    KeyError: default_services

    What does that mean?

    Your help is most appreciated.



  • Nobody/Anonymous


    I seem to have the same problem as the person that posted a couple of posts above - I am running on windows XP, python 2.6 with serial connection (Widcomm), and nokia E71. Mouse events are read, but no local mouse movement is made and I also don't see the computer screen (remote) on the display. Here is the log that I get on the PC:
    ` LOG: thread:2656 - pys60rc\    (&quot;packet: {'args': ({'scancode': 14, 'modifiers': 0, 'type': 1, 'keycode': 63495   },), 'command': 'remote_key', 'kwargs': {}}&quot;,)`
    `LOG: thread:2656 - plugins\ Mouse.mouse_move:
                                                                                (0, 10)

    If I open python interpreter and run the command manualy (mouse_event(0x0001, 10, 0) for instance) it moves the mouse pointer just fine.

    Any ideas?

    Oh, and the Winamp control works just fine.


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