
Add Unicode ability in python editing

Hammer Lee
  • Hammer Lee

    Hammer Lee - 2003-10-03

    Hi! Josiah,

      Thanks for providing such a good python editor.
      I'm a freshman of python, a Chinese person. Sometime I'd like to write Chinese characters in python programs, but PyPE 1.6.2 doesnt support a lot of Chinese characters like 1.5e. The Unicode ability is still remained in text editing, but not in python editing.
      May you make some change on the future edition?

    Hammer Lee

    • Josiah Carlson

      Josiah Carlson - 2003-10-03

      I just put together a the latest version of PyPE with unicode support.  It is a bit larger, but I believe it should work for you.
      Here is a link:

    • Josiah Carlson

      Josiah Carlson - 2003-10-25

      The next version of PyPE will have a binary distribution with unicode enabled.  I got some good advice on getting unicode to work right, and have been testing PyPE to make sure it works right.

      I'll be releasing version 1.6.5 with unicode support this weekend.

    • Hammer Lee

      Hammer Lee - 2003-10-26


        Thanks for your hard work!  I'm happy to know there will be an unicode version of PyPE!

      Hammer Lee


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