
#3 Missing Methods for UniversalJoint


I've been using PyODE for some time now, built on both Mac OSX and Ubuntu machines. I'm using version 1.2

I use UniversalJoint objects, and I have had to hack around a bug on both platforms.

The bug is that the PyREX-generated wrapper ode_trimesh.c doesn't define some functions in the ODE API. These include, at least:

getAngle1, getAngle2, getAngleRate1, and getAngleRate2 for UniversalJoint. They may include others, but these are the methods I needed.

If there is an alternate way to get this information, let me know.

Currently, the workaround I'm using is to edit ode_trimesh.c to include declarations of the appropriate methods. This seems to work.

I've attached the output of diff from the stock 1.2.0 file and my hacked file, in case it is useful


  • Graham Cummins

    Graham Cummins - 2008-05-02

    diff of stock ode_trimesh.c and hacked ode_trimesh.c with new methods

  • Alex

    Alex - 2010-05-31

    This has been fixed on 2007-06-05 (of course, after 1.2.0 was released), so this bug can be closed.

  • Ethan Glasser-Camp

    • status: open --> closed
  • Ethan Glasser-Camp

    Hi, these functions are provided in the latest git snapshot. Thanks for the report!



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