
PyNomo / News: Recent posts

PyNomo updated to 0.2.2

PyNomo software (python nomographing ) release 0.2.2 is out. New smart axes and easy isopleth generation are major steps towards publishing quality nomographs.

Posted by L. Roschier 2009-10-19

Article about using PyNomo released

Article Creating Nomograms with the PyNomo Software by Ron Doerfler released. Article is found at that has link for the full pdf-article.

Posted by L. Roschier 2009-08-02

PyNomo 0.2.0b0 released

PyNomo 0.2.0b0 released. Download release and see updated documentation at

Posted by L. Roschier 2008-10-10

Pynomo 0.2.0b0 distribution countdown started

Pynomo 0.2.0b0 countdown started. Release distributed in few days and new website at will be published.

Posted by L. Roschier 2008-10-08


PyNomo has been downloaded 100 times! This motivates to develop program further. Right now the library is in quite early stage and is finding its shape.

The long-term goal is that one out of thousand graphs in publications is a nomogram and half of them is made with PyNomo.


Posted by L. Roschier 2007-11-21

Pynomo 0.1.0b1 released

Python nomogram software PyNomo goes beta. Some new functionality added. 0.1 versions are for 3 parameter nomograms. Later releases are planned for additional dimensions.


Posted by L. Roschier 2007-10-29

PyNomo 0.1.0a1 released

The first distribution of PyNomo Python nomograph generation software is released as alpha version 0.1.0a1.

Posted by L. Roschier 2007-09-29