
pyNeighborhood unmaintained

Hello everyone.

As you probably noticed the pyNeighborhood development has stalled. There are several reasons for that. The main reason - I don't have access to samba network anymore, thus it the project I don't use myself. I can't make an appropriate testing, can't test patches as it should be done etc. Unfortunately it the usual fate for in fact one man project...

Also currently I have some more ideas, and thay take all my leisure time. Together with the chronical lack of time it makes me keep off from the pyNeighborhood.

I am sorry to announce that pyNeighborhood development stops at this stage. Luckily, there some more applications that provide the same functionality.

There are several patches that I didn't committed to svn. Please understand me, I just can't provide them with an appropriate support for the reasons listed above.

If anyone would like to pick up maintenance - please write to me. I'll try to help with that.

I would like to express my gratitude to Gregoire Gentil, Warren Butler, Cabillot Julien, Rodrigo Castro, Cody Somerville, Gossler Karoly, Wei-Lun Chao and everyone who has somehow helped me. Please forgive me if I missed someone in the list...

Once more, thanks.

Posted by Mykola Lynnyk 2007-11-25

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