
#13 Fully support new TempFail/PermError Construction

SPF (20)

Update SPF module to conform to the new error descriptions.


  • Scott Kitterman

    Scott Kitterman - 2005-06-21
    • assigned_to: kitterma --> nobody
  • Scott Kitterman

    Scott Kitterman - 2005-06-21
    • assigned_to: nobody --> kitterma
  • Stuart D. Gathman

    Logged In: YES

    The code already throws TempFail and PermError exceptions.
    (Perhaps there are some cases missed.) The only change
    should be to the result codes returned. Existing callers
    are still expecting the obsolete 'unknown' and 'error'
    results. TermFail and PermError are both mapped to 'error'
    (and distinguished by suggested SMTP code).

    While you are at it, remove the even more obsolete 'deny'
    result code.

    When changing the result code list, we need to warn clients.
    We can change __version__ to "1.7: ..." to signal the
    incompatible API change for those clients that bother to
    check it.

    I think the only client is pymilter - but I could be wrong.
    In any case, updating clients to use the new result codes
    should be straightforward - and there are only two results
    to fix.

  • Scott Kitterman

    Scott Kitterman - 2005-06-22
    • priority: 5 --> 4
  • Scott Kitterman

    Scott Kitterman - 2005-06-22

    Logged In: YES

    Do you want to go ahead and update the milter to accept the
    new codes too? If you accept either, then I can just do
    this when ready (next two weeks are going to be a bear for
    me, so not sure how much I'll get done).

  • Stuart D. Gathman

    Logged In: YES

    I have no problem updating milter to use the new API we come
    up with. I'll ask on the mailing list whether anyone else
    is affected. One advantage of changing the size of the
    returned tuple (to remove the SMTP code) is that old apps
    will get a clean Traceback early.

  • Scott Kitterman

    Scott Kitterman - 2005-06-24
    • priority: 4 --> 7
  • Scott Kitterman

    Scott Kitterman - 2005-06-24

    Logged In: YES

    I think this is the only thing to finish to have be
    compliant with the latest ID. I'll work on this over the

    I went through the latest draft and the code today to look
    for other things. I didn't find any.

  • Stuart D. Gathman

    Logged In: YES

    I download Wayne's new test suite 2.1. It still expect
    'unknown' and 'error' for result codes rather than
    'permfail' and 'tempfail'. will have to be
    adjusted to match your new API with the test suite.

    Also, the test suite doesn't like how accepts common
    errors (like ipv4 instead of ip4 or prt instead of ptr).
    Clearly, there needs to be a 'strict' flag to control
    whether we accept sloppy records. We should handle it the
    same way as processing limits. Return a PermError primary
    result, but continue processing to compute an "extended" result.

  • Stuart D. Gathman

    Logged In: YES

    Is this done? Is it acceptable for the library result codes
    to be 'unknown' and 'error', with the understanding that
    these correspond to 'permerr' and 'temperr'? I notice that
    the TempErr exception is never used. We trap DNS errors
    directly. We might want to trap DNS error in DNSLookup() or
    dns() instead and translate to TempErr. Just for
    consistency - that way we don't have to refer to DNS module
    except in DNSLookup. Make selection of DNS implementation
    very pluggable.

  • Scott Kitterman

    Scott Kitterman - 2005-07-21

    Logged In: YES

    No. It's not done. It's just about the next thing I want
    to finish up. I am planning on adding another switch for
    error type. It will default to the current API, so I don't
    break the milter, but then can be altered to just report a
    modern SPF result.

    Also, I'll change the TempError exception to operate the
    same way PermError does.

    DNS Errors are the one thing that may take some additional
    work (since they can be permanent or temporary). I haven't
    studied that in detail yet.

  • Stuart D. Gathman

    Logged In: YES

    Don't bother with compatibility. I'll just change milter
    when I incorporate it. While the smtp code probably doesn't
    belong in spf, the explanation certainly does. You will at
    least need to return (result,message). Alternatively, you
    could have explanation from last query available as an
    attribute in the query object. Actually, I'd been wishing
    that result was kept. That would be one less arg for

  • Scott Kitterman

    Scott Kitterman - 2005-07-22
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Scott Kitterman

    Scott Kitterman - 2005-07-22

    Logged In: YES

    It's done. It returns result, message.

  • Stuart D. Gathman

    Logged In: YES

    You know, I just reread the spec, and I'm going to campaign
    for putting SMTP code back in the result. The reason is
    that spec gives a SHOULD to a MUST recommendation for the
    SMTP code for every result. The caller is free to ignore
    it, but the SPF module should return the recommended code.

  • Stuart D. Gathman

    • status: closed-fixed --> open-fixed
  • Scott Kitterman

    Scott Kitterman - 2005-07-25

    Logged In: YES

    Scott scurries to re-read the spec....

  • Scott Kitterman

    Scott Kitterman - 2005-07-25

    Logged In: YES

    Ummm, maybe your looking somewhere I'm not... Here's what I

    2.5.1. None - No recommendation

    2.5.2. Neutral - "MUST be treated exactly like the 'None'
    result" - Hence, no recommendation

    2.5.3. Pass - No recommendation

    2.5.4. Fail - "The checking software can choose to mark the
    mail based on this, or to reject the mail outright." There
    are recommendations, but they all come after that conditional.

    2.5.5. SoftFail - "Receiving software SHOULD NOT reject the
    message based solely on this result, but MAY subject the
    message to closer scrutiny than normal."

    "For example, the recipient's MUA could highlight the
    'SoftFail' status, or the receiving MTA could give the
    sender a message using a technique called 'greylisting'
    whereby the MTA can issue an SMTP reply code of 451 (4.3.0
    DSN code) with a note the first time the message is
    received, but accept it the second time."

    The recommendation is listed merely as an example.

    2.5.6. TempError - "...Checking software can choose to
    accept or temporarily reject the message. If the message is
    rejected during the SMTP transaction for this reason, the
    software SHOULD use an SMTP reply code of 451 and, if
    supported, the 4.4.3 DSN code."

    There is a conditional here, but it's not controversial.

    2.5.7. PermError - No recommendation.

    So, when I read, I find strong recommendations only for Fail
    and Softfail. How about this....

    Give me a couple of days to finish my local policy module
    that will return SPF result, MTA code, explanation. Then
    your Milter impact will be limited to calling the new
    functions in the new modules. No re-writing required to get
    the MTA response code.

    How about that?

    Scott K

  • Scott Kitterman

    Scott Kitterman - 2005-07-25
    • status: open-fixed --> open
  • Stuart D. Gathman

    Logged In: YES

    For the None, Neutral, Pass results the recommendation is to
    accept the mail (possibly subject to further checks). This
    SMTP code is thus 250 - although not explicitly stated. The
    SMTP code is always 250, unless there is some kind of
    exception. The recommended exceptional codes are spelled
    out in the spec.

  • Stuart D. Gathman

    Logged In: YES

    I just noticed that the SPF spec also recommends extended
    SMTP codes for exceptions. So returning just the SMTP code
    is not good enough anyway. Perhaps we can have a separate
    call or attribute to retreive the recommended SMTP code and
    extended code for a result. The mapping is independent of a
    specific query, so it could be a global function. Perhaps
    something like:

    # Recommended SMTP codes for certain SPF results. For
    results not in
    # this table the recommendation is to accept the message.
    # The softfail result requires special processing.

    SMTP_CODES = {
    'fail': (550,'5.7.1'),
    'temperror': (451,'4.4.3'),
    'permerror': (550,'5.5.2'),

  • Scott Kitterman

    Scott Kitterman - 2005-07-25

    Logged In: YES

    OK. I guess my point is that none of those codes get hit
    until after a local policy decision is made (e.g. am I going
    to reject on fail or use it as a filtering option).

    So, I think the MTA results are part of local policy. Give
    me a couple of days to finish the local policy module and
    you can integrate to that...

    I agree with that construct, I just want to put it in local

  • Scott Kitterman

    Scott Kitterman - 2005-07-28
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Scott Kitterman

    Scott Kitterman - 2005-07-28

    Logged In: YES

    Now that I'm going to add local policy processing within
    SPF, this will take place in pySPF. I'll cover it under the
    local policy RFE and close this one.


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