
#1 mouse logging ?



I don't know how feasible it is to include something
like this, but from the end-user point of view, if a
robust mouse logging can be also implemented, then the
packge will be extremely useful for QA simple programs
under development. A "playback" of all key/mouse
operations will be able to repeat a crash of a program
under test (mostly encountered under random testing),
helping the programmers to pin-point the crash /
anomalous behavior.


  • nanotube

    nanotube - 2005-10-06

    Logged In: YES

    that sounds like a great idea, and at first glance, i think
    that would be quite feasible to implement exact playback of

    do you think that this would be generally useful? are there
    other tools that you know that do something similar?

    also, i kinda think that this would deserve being put into a
    separate project... although maybe not. what do you think?

    anyone else care to comment?

  • nanotube

    nanotube - 2005-10-06
    • assigned_to: nobody --> nanotube
  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO


    I was looking for a long time into available programs that
    will *faithfully* playback mouse/keys entries. I found none.
    They usually listed under "(keys or mouse) recorders". The
    problems with the programs I ran into was that they could
    not *faithfully* record/playback mouse operations on some
    windows controls (I tested them on flexgrid control in a VB
    program, and they could not record successfully some
    operations like tab scroll position and such).

    If you want, I can send you a program like that so you can
    see what others have done.

    Re usefulness - I thik it would be very useful. Other may
    want to comment too.

    Re another project - IMHO, if it grows, it might be justified.

  • nanotube

    nanotube - 2005-10-07

    Logged In: YES


    I see what you mean. I am not sure how the flexgrid control
    in vb works, so can't say that the method i am thinking of
    using for the event record/playback would work properly on
    it (i guess we will find out when we get there)... Sure, if
    you could post some links to some software packages that do
    event recording/playback, i will take a look at them and see
    what they are all about.

  • Ravi

    Ravi - 2007-12-29

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Request you to add feature to send a single EXE as payload via email and plant on target computer. Is it possible, mail on Also, is it possible to attach such payload to a JPEG, doc file etc to avoid suspiscion?

  • Jordi Sans

    Jordi Sans - 2009-07-30


    there could be an option to add mouse logging in the log file, everytime that a mouse button is press add an event in the log file with the date, time, window name, user... and maybe the mouse coordinates.

    Right now it is possible to monitor the mouse with the images folders, but I think this option would be useful to know wich window was active on the mouse click and to have keyboard and mouse log in a single file.

  • nanotube

    nanotube - 2009-07-31

    Hi, sanskbn
    Thanks for all your feedback :)
    The logging of mouse events to the logfile is planned for a future release. :)


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