
Consolidating log info into reports

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  • Matt

    Matt - 2011-03-23

    I see. Thanks.

  • Matt

    Matt - 2011-07-26

    For those who have asked any anyone interested my source is here:

    Sorry to those wondering. I thought I posted this link earlier. Refer to my previous post in this thread for the pass to this link.

  • nanotube

    nanotube - 2011-07-27

    Great stuff guys :)

    By the way, rather than 'translating' the  to 'shorter' versions, you can just edit the config and set the non-printing character representation to just .

    swift: i recall trying the 'nozip' option with py2exe some time ago, and having some problems, which is why the .zip remained. have you had any problems with that, or just added nozip and it worked?

  • Swift

    Swift - 2011-07-27


    Yes that is one thing I did, to omit keyname:
    However, we wanted to shorten it down even more by parsing the escape key not as Escape but as esc

    See below:

            if event.Ascii == 27 and \
                    self.subsettings['General']['Parse Escape'] == True:

    Or instead of Rcontrol:

            if event.Ascii == 0 and (str(event.Key).endswith('Lcontrol')):

    Unfortunately, the nozip option I could not get to work either. I wrote a custom script myself to take out the non-essential files and zip that. I also condensed the \tcl\ folder to 73 files total, from the standard 380 files. This saves tremendous time on deployment.

  • Swift

    Swift - 2011-07-27

    Another feature I added was to delete the log files and .zips as soon as the email function triggers. This is really handy as it leaves no possible trace on the client's machine.

  • Swift

    Swift - 2011-07-27

    Also, please go back to page 1 and see if the screenshots in my posts work now.
    Sorry about that.

    See how beautiful the folder is now? :D (post #21)

  • Swift

    Swift - 2011-07-27

    Oh, I'm sorry. You were asking about nozip with
    Here's how I got that to work:

              "bundle_files": 3,
              "compressed": 1,
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