
Export to MPG

Darren F
  • Darren F

    Darren F - 2009-03-12

    How do I export to MPG using the Command Line?
    Been trying for over 2 hours now and can't find it.
    Using Ubuntu Intrepid with a custom compiled FFMPEG to get all the codecs.
    Also using most recent pykaraoke version.

    A simple example of MP3+g to MPG conversion would be appreciated.

    Have access to Windows XP if that is required.

    Thanks In Advance.

    • Kelvin Lawson

      Kelvin Lawson - 2009-03-14

      Hi Darren,

      You are better off with Linux if you have that available. The instructions for exporting to MPG are included in the README file within the release - are you following these?


      • Darren F

        Darren F - 2009-03-15

        Afraid I'll have to slap myself in the head for this one.
        Had an older version of PyKaraoke installed, but didn't realise it till I checked the version numbers.

        Upgraded to the one from here and it is all fine now.

        Thanks for your help.

    • john

      john - 2009-06-04

      can this be done using the windows installation?


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