
Stopping and restarting song problem in gui

  • Roger Jones

    Roger Jones - 2008-11-26

    Hello Developers,

    I have an AMD Phenom CPU, Windows Vista 64 and have Pykaraoke 0.6 installed.  I have encountered a problem when closing the song window in the middle of the song when playing from the gui version of the program.  The problem doesn't occur at that point....well it does, but you don't notice it until you try to play another song.  When you try to play another song, the song play window is blank and the program stops responding.  This happens intermittently.  Sometimes the next song plays.  But, when it doesn't, the only recourse is to close the program and restart it.....or kill the tread that is causing the problem.

    I have used Sysinternals Process Explorer to see if I can determine the cause of this.  What I found was that the SDL.dll thread that is spawned when opening a song isn't killed when you close the window.  It does get killed when you let the song completely finish.  I have found that I can kill the thread manually with Process Explorer.  After doing that, the song that I am trying to play can then spawn its SDL.dll and play normally.  The spawned thread from the previous song sometimes gets killed when the thread from the new song is opened.  But, it is intermittent as described.

    This problem only seems occurs in the gui version.  I tested the mini version and didn't have the problem.


    • Kelvin Lawson

      Kelvin Lawson - 2009-01-20

      Hi Roger,

      Thanks for the report, and for going to the trouble of checking what the threads are doing.

      To help me debug this further, did you use the .exe installer (which packages Python and all the libraries) or did you already have your own Python, Pygame etc. installed?


    • Roger Jones

      Roger Jones - 2009-02-02


      I did use the .exe installer.  I didn't have any previous version of Python installed.  Out of a basic curiosity, I downloaded a different version of sdl.dll to see if that would change anything.  And perhaps not surprisingly, it didn't.

      By the way, my friend has a laptop that experienced the same symptoms.  His configuration was an Amd Turion x2 with Windows Vista Home Premium I believe.


    • Kelvin Lawson

      Kelvin Lawson - 2009-03-05

      Hi Roger,

      I'm wondering whether this could be due to multi-core CPUs. So that we can at least rule that out, would you mind trying one CPU only for the PyKaraoke process, as described here:


    • Roger Jones

      Roger Jones - 2009-03-29


      Yes.  That does fix the problem.  You beat me to it.  I actually figured that out before i read your post and was going to say I found the problem.  Nice work.  I h


      • Roger Jones

        Roger Jones - 2009-03-29

        It would be nice if I could delete my own erroneous comments.

    • Roger Jones

      Roger Jones - 2009-03-29


      Yes.  That does fix the problem.  You beat me to it.  I actually figured that out before i read your post and was going to say I found the problem.  Nice work.  How difficult do you think that would be to fix in the code?



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