
pyHTPC / News: Recent posts

pyHTPC Revived ...

I have decided to bring the pyHTPC project back to life a bit ... adding in some new functionality (specifically gearing the project toward OSX Compatibility).

I recently purchased an iMac, and have found myself using VLC and the Apple Remote quite frequently -- and I was just toying around with some Python/Pygame stuff ... to kill some time, and immediately thought to myself ... PyHTPC!

I successfully used pyHTPC for over a year with the 0.0.3 code base on my own personal media center ... I then moved, and in the process decided to try out Freevo again ... and have not made the move back to pyHTPC ... unfortunately.... read more

Posted by MoZ 2007-10-30

new menu system, on its way ...

I'm working on a new DVD-Like menu system to take over the 'first screen' action. This menu will work much like the ones found in Freevo, MythTV or MediaPortal. The existing File-browser that takes the root position will be turned into a module and I plan to create some form of sub-classing so that modules themselves can use the existing file-browser, but are not required to be loaded from the browser.... read more

Posted by MoZ 2005-01-03

0.0.3-beta released

0.0.3-beta brings with it quite a few changes, as far as overall functionality goes ... if your not a developer, nothing really changed (I think 0.0.3-beta is much more stable then 0.0.1-alpha though -- found quite a few bugs and squashed them).

If your a developer, 0.0.3-beta is the answer to your "I want it to do this" issues. 0.0.3-beta introduces the new Module system for pyHTPC. ... read more

Posted by MoZ 2005-01-02

0.0.1-alpha released

pyHTPC's first initial release, 0.0.1-alpha has been submitted to the Sourceforge File Release System (FRS) and can be downloaded from the projects Files section.

Posted by MoZ 2004-12-30

CVS: Initial Import

I completed the initial cvs import which includes

CVSROOT: /cvsroot/pyhtpc
CVS Module: pyhtpc -- Main Module -- Config Module
htpc -- Lazy script to launch the Main Module -- Text Viewer module
test.nfo -- a test NFO obtained from Usenet
pyHTPC-pygame.kpf -- ActiveState Komodo Project File
pyhtpc_pygame.kdevelop -- KDevelop Project File
Doxyfile -- Not a clue (kdevelop created it)
data/ -- data directory
data/bar.png -- Selected Item image
data/bar.psd -- Selected Item image (Photoshop)
data/bg.jpg -- Background image (from digital blasphemy)
data/bg.psd -- Background image (Photoshop)
data/Lucida.ttf -- Lucida Console font for TXTViewer module... read more

Posted by MoZ 2004-12-30

Progress (2004.12.29)

So far, here's what it can do 'out of the box'...

Browse the configured path (you can nest through directories, but are not allowed to exit the starting point [in linux, I just created a directory and dropped a ton of symlinks in it - for windows, this might be a bit limiting, I'm working on that {follow windows shortcuts, emulate linux symlinks?}])

Launch the configured player, with the configured arguments (mplayer in linux with '-fs' arguments, or vlc in windows with '--fullscreen' arguments) if the file extension matches one of those found in VideoExtensions (a option)... read more

Posted by MoZ 2004-12-30

pyHTPC on its way ...

pyHTPC is a new project, which focus is to create an easy to use, easy to setup, and fast Video/Audio File Browser which launches an associated application. pyHTPC hopes to have full 'HTPC' functionality within the next few months. The only feature that is not on the todo list is PVR-like functionality (recording live tv for later playbkac). The ability to play live tv with a tuner card will most likely be added, but if your looking for PVR-like features perhaps you'd be more interested in MythTV or Freevo.... read more

Posted by MoZ 2004-12-29