
Pygalle / News: Recent posts

Development towards v1.0 continues

The wish list is still long for a version 1. But the most important item (at least that was my feeling) was now started on trunk : pulling the component apart into almost separate Joomla installables, which can then be individually added or removed from your Joomla site.

The eve static DB will be such a separate component and also be updated to the EVE Online Tyrannis expansion.

Priorization of items on the "development requests" tracker still needs to be done.

Posted by Erik Finnegan 2010-06-04

Version 0.12 difficulties reported

We have had a first user actually trying and not immediately giving up on the software developed here. As it was to be expected he encountered installation trouble despite thorough testing which we are doing on two different environments.

If you have trouble, too, please submit a help request on this project.

Posted by Erik Finnegan 2010-06-04