
Project Status?

  • Jeffrey S. Morgan

    It has been several weeks since any new code has been checked into CVS.  Is this project still active?

    • Arkaitz Bitorika

      I have been busy with real-life and then holidays for a couple of months already, but I intend to restart work on it next week. There are quite a few ideas and contributions that I will look at then.


    • Patrick Reinhart

      Hi Arkaitz!

      Will be some furter development be done in this project? I would like to help developing...

    • Stephen Kennedy

      Stephen Kennedy - 2003-01-18

      It would be great to get this project going again.
      I've seen some other similar attempts, but none
      nearly as good.

      • Patrick Reinhart

        I did some bugfixes and enhancements allready. Lets see what would be good to do next...


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