
Python 3.3

  • Thomas Haslwanter

    is anyone planning to port PyDSTool to Python 3.3? For me, PyDSTool is one of the last packages that I would need to run under Python 3.3, before I can switch completely.

    • Vladimir Zakharov

      Hi, Thomas

      FYI, PyDSTool version from Github has support for Python 3.3+. The only known issue for now - Radau/Dopri generators don't work in Python 3.3+ 64-bit environments. To be fixed before next release.

      Try it, if you want. Any feedback is appreciated.

  • Rob Clewley

    Rob Clewley - 2014-02-24

    We are working on it, yes. I realize this is an urgent issue and I hope to have some positive news about this in the next couple of months. Many of the components are already known to work in Python 3. Please feel free to check back later if you haven't heard anything more.


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