
PyDev for Eclipse / News: Recent posts

PyDev 12.0.0 Released

PyDev 12.0.0 Release Highlights

  • Debugger
    • sys.monitoring is now used in Python 3.12 (and it's much faster than any previous version).
    • A new setting was added in the Preferences > PyDev > Debug to debug just my code (meaning that when stepping it will just step into files under PyDev source folders).
    • Improved the step into function (activated with Ctrl+Alt then Click function to step into).
    • Support for Python 3.6 and 3.7 was dropped (only Python 3.8 onwards is now supported).... read more
Posted by Fabio Zadrozny 2024-02-04

PyDev 11.0.2 Released

PyDev 11.0.2 Release Highlights

Continuing with the updates to Python 3.12, the new release integrates
the latest version of typeshed (so, from typing import override is
now properly recognized).

Also, it's now possible to specify vmargs in the python interpreter
(and not just in the launch configuration).

For Python 3.11 onwards, -Xfrozen_modules=off is now
set in the vm arguments by default.... read more

Posted by Fabio Zadrozny 2023-10-29

PyDev 8.3.0 Released

PyDev 8.3.0 Release Highlights

  • Java 11 is now required to run PyDev.

  • External linters

    • Configurations of the linters can be saved to the project or user settings.
    • Flake8 has a more flexible UI for configuration.
  • Others

    • Option to add comments all at a single indent (note: this is now the default).
    • LRU for context-insensitive completion/quick fix.
    • Fixed some code-completion cases where self was wrongly added.
    • Environment variables are now supported in .pydevproject (expected format: ${env_var:VAR_NAME}).... read more
Posted by Fabio Zadrozny 2021-04-10

PyDev 8.1.0 Released

PyDev 8.1.0 Release Highlights

  • Interactive Console

    • The selection for which console to open may be saved. (#PyDev-1112)
    • When the current editor option is selected, the related interpreter is no longer asked. (#PyDev-1112)
  • Debugger (updated to pydevd 2.2.0)

    • Better support for Python flags when auto-attaching to subprocesses.
    • Fixes to path translation (when debugging in a different machine).
    • Catch warnings related to imp import from pkg_resources.
    • No longer crashing when running with Pyjion (patch by Anthony Shaw).... read more
Posted by Fabio Zadrozny 2020-12-08

PyDev 8.0.1 Released

PyDev 8.0.1 Release Highlights

  • Main new features

    • Python 3.9 is now supported.
    • Quick-fix to convert a string to an f-string. (#PyDev-1093)
      • Handles %r and %s.
      • To convert any string to an f-string, use Ctrl+1 with the cursor inside the string.
  • Debugger (updated to pydevd 2.1.0)

    • Support for case-sensitive folders in windows.
    • Support for user unhandled exceptions.
    • Support for Python 3.9.
    • When using frame eval mode, all threads are now traced (even if not started from Python).... read more
Posted by Fabio Zadrozny 2020-11-07

PyDev 8.0.0 Released

PyDev 8.0.0 Release Highlights

  • MyPy

    • Make sure that only one MyPy is running at a given time (to prevent cache corruptions).
    • Properly report MyPy messages that only have a line number. (#PyDev-1091)
    • MyPy integration now also shows notes for a message. (#PyDev-1088)
  • Debugger (updated to pydevd 2.0.0)

    • The frame evaluation mode (which adds programmatic breakpoints by rewriting bytecode) was redone (it had a critical issue which could make it skip breakpoints).
    • Fixed issue collecting try..except information.
    • Fixed issue evaluating numpy array with unexpected dimension.... read more
Posted by Fabio Zadrozny 2020-09-06

PyDev 7.6.0 Released

PyDev 7.6.0 Release Highlights

  • Debugger improvements (updated to pydevd 1.9.1).

    • Variables are now grouped (special/class/function/protected) -- note: it's possible to hide groups in the variables view menu dropdown.
    • When a launching a subprocess does not target a python executable, the original args are kept (so, quotes are no longer trimmed).
    • A step in which would skip code won't be reported in the return if it'd reach the same location.
    • The disassembled version of a frame may be shown if the sources are not available.
    • PySide2 is supported to recognize QThreads/event loop in interactive console.... read more
Posted by Fabio Zadrozny 2020-06-11

PyDev 7.5.0 Released

PyDev 7.5.0 Release Highlights

  • Fixed support for Python 3.8 (which wasn't properly added to 7.4.0).
  • Improved Cython support:

    • Cython itself is used to generate the AST for Cython files.
    • Cython needs to be available in the default interpreter.
    • Cython does not currently support generating the AST for files with errors, so, syntax errors must be fixed for the code-completion to work properly.... read more
Posted by Fabio Zadrozny 2020-01-10

PyDev 7.2.0 Released

PyDev 7.2.0 Release Highlights

  • Debugger improvements (updated to pydevd 1.6.0).

    • Fixed issue quoting/unquoting parameters for subprocess.
    • Fixed exception breakpoints for Django and Jinja2.
    • Console hook import compatibility with matplotlib and pylab fixed.
  • Fixed issue where pipenv executable search was being executed over and over when it was not found.... read more

Posted by Fabio Zadrozny 2019-03-27

PyDev 7.0.3 Released

PyDev 7.0.3 Release Highlights

  • Mypy

    • PyDev can now use Mypy when doing code analysis.
  • Black Formatter

    • PyDev can now use black as the code formatting engine.
  • Virtual environments

    • It's now possible to use pipenv for managing virtual environments.
    • It's possible to manage virtual environments from the editor.

      • Ctrl+2, pip
      • Ctrl+2, pipenv
      • Ctrl+2, conda ... read more
Posted by Fabio Zadrozny 2018-11-09

PyDev 6.5.0 Released

PyDev 6.5.0 Release Highlights

  • Debugger

    • Debugger is much more responsive (fixed bug in reader/writer on the PyDev side).
    • breakpoint() builtin is now supported to add a programmatic breakpoint (on any Python version).
    • Watch expression no longer giving error if evaluation is empty (patch by glhez).
  • Editor

    • Code folding of #region/#endregion regions (patch by ghbcode).
    • There's a new action which allows creating local imports from a global import (use Ctrl+1 on top of global import name).... read more
Posted by Fabio Zadrozny 2018-09-03

PyDev 6.4.3 Released

PyDev 6.4.3 Release Highlights

PyDev changes:

  • Debugger

    • Notification of threads is done as they're created instead of synchronized afterwards.
    • Support for using frame evaluation disabled by default as it made the debugger much slower on some cases.
    • Fixed case where breakpoint was missed if an exception was raised in a given line.
    • Properly break on unhandled exceptions on threads.
    • Add missing import which affected repl with IPython.
    • Fix for case where breakpoints could be missed.
    • Fixed issue tracing lamda functions.
    • pydevd.settrace() could end up not stopping the debugger properly.
    • Fixed critical error on debugger (could deadlock when creating a new thread).... read more
Posted by Fabio Zadrozny 2018-07-06

PyDev 6.3.2 Released

PyDev 6.3.2 Release Highlights

PyDev changes:

  • Type inference

    • PyDev can now uses information on .pyi (when along the typed .py file) for type inference.
  • Fixed issue opening code completion preferences page.

About PyDev

PyDev is an open-source Python IDE on top of Eclipse for Python, Jython and IronPython development, now also available for Python on Visual Studio Code.... read more

Posted by Fabio Zadrozny 2018-03-21

PyDev 6.3.1 Released

PyDev 6.3.1 Release Highlights

PyDev changes:

  • Type inference

    • Folders no longer require init to be considered a package.
    • Properly recognize cx_Oracle.cp36-win_amd64.pyd as cx_Oracle (#PyDev-885).
  • Empty numpy arrays properly handled in debugger.... read more

Posted by Fabio Zadrozny 2018-02-28

PyDev on Visual Studio Code

PyDev can now be used on Visual Studio Code!

The first release already provides features such as code analysis, code completion, go to definition, symbols for the workspace and editor, code formatting, find references, quick fixes and more (see for details).

All features have a strong focus on speed and have been shaped by the usage on PyDev over the last 14 years, so, I believe it's already pretty nice to use... there are still some big things to integrate (such as the PyDev debugger), but those should come on shortly.... read more

Posted by Fabio Zadrozny 2018-02-19

PyDev 6.2.0 Released

PyDev 6.2.0 Release Highlights

  • Interactive Console

    • It's possible to use word-wrapping in the PyDev interactive console (#PyDev-862).
  • Code Completion

    • Checking list unpacking with user specified types.
    • Code completion aware of variable typing from Python 3.6 (#PyDev-866).
  • Others

    • Properly terminating child processes of launched python processes on Linux with Java 9 (#PyDev-871).
    • Comments with 3 dashes properly appear in outline in all cases (#PyDev-868).
    • Properly hyperlinking pytest output.
    • Accepting noqa as a way to skip errors (#PyDev-814).
    • If there's a flake8: noqa in the first 3 lines of the file, don't analyze it (#PyDev-814).
    • Fixed issue where a closing peer character was skiped when it was actually not a matching closing peer (#PyDev-869).
    • Fixed issue where line indentation was not correct on a new line with multiple open parenthesis.... read more
Posted by Fabio Zadrozny 2017-11-29

PyDev 6.1.0 Released

PyDev 6.1.0 Release Highlights

  • Important PyDev now requires Java 8 and Eclipse 4.6 (Neon) onwards.

    • PyDev 5.2.0 is the last release supporting Eclipse 4.5 (Mars).
  • Code Formatter

    • The PyDev code formatter can now add/remove blank lines to comply with pep-8.
    • Added preference to skip blank lines formatting.
  • Editor

    • Editor now tolerant against errors in the definitions of style ranges.
    • When in link mode (after a code completion with params for instance), properly skip closing parenthesis if already well balanced.
    • Fix logic error in editor preferences for disabling subword navigation (patch by Stuart Berg).... read more
Posted by Fabio Zadrozny 2017-11-07

PyDev 6.0.0 Released

PyDev 6.0.0 Release Highlights

  • Important PyDev now requires Java 8 and Eclipse 4.6 (Neon) onwards.

    • PyDev 5.2.0 is the last release supporting Eclipse 4.5 (Mars).
  • Interpreter configuration

    • The list of packages installed in the interpreter is shown in the IDE (supports either pip or conda).
    • It's now possible to install/uninstall packages using either pip or conda directly from the IDE.
    • Provides a way to load variables if interpreter is from a conda environment (Load conda env vars before run configuration).
    • A default string substitution variable named PY is now created with the major and minor version of the created interpreter.
    • It's now possible to configure a project to always use a grammar compatible with the interpreter version (default for new projects -- #PyDev-846).... read more
Posted by Fabio Zadrozny 2017-09-21

PyDev 5.9.2 Released

PyDev 5.9.2 Release Highlights

  • Important PyDev now requires Java 8 and Eclipse 4.6 (Neon) onwards.

    • PyDev 5.2.0 is the last release supporting Eclipse 4.5 (Mars).
  • Debugger

    • Integrated speedups for Python 3.6 which use the new Python hook which allows the debugger to add breakpoints through bytecode manipulation.
    • Some critical fixes related to issues in the latest debugger (#PyDev-837, #PyDev-838, #PyDev-817).... read more
Posted by Fabio Zadrozny 2017-08-15

PyDev 5.8.0 Released

PyDev 5.8.0 Release Highlights

  • Important PyDev now requires Java 8 and Eclipse 4.6 (Neon) onwards.

    • PyDev 5.2.0 is the last release supporting Eclipse 4.5 (Mars).
  • Code Analysis

    • Fixed issue getting existing PyLint markers.
    • There's now an Info and an Ignore level.
  • Debugger

Posted by Fabio Zadrozny 2017-06-08

PyDev 5.7.0 released

PyDev 5.7.0 Release Highlights

  • Important PyDev now requires Java 8 and Eclipse 4.6 (Neon) onwards.

    • PyDev 5.2.0 is the last release supporting Eclipse 4.5 (Mars).
  • PyLint

    • The PyLint integration is much improved.
    • Working along with the PyDev code-analysis.
    • If there's an equivalent code analysis error in PyLint and PyDev, the PyLint one is hidden.
    • Ctrl+1 on PyLint error line shows option to silent error in that line.
    • See: for details.... read more
Posted by Fabio Zadrozny 2017-04-12

PyDev 5.6.0 Released

PyDev 5.6.0 Release Highlights

  • Important PyDev now requires Java 8 and Eclipse 4.6 (Neon) onwards.

    • PyDev 5.2.0 is the last release supporting Eclipse 4.5 (Mars).
  • Debugger

    • Performance enhancements on the debugger (which should be 60%-100% faster now).

    • The debugger now only supports Python 2.6 onwards (keep on PyDev 5.5.0 for Python 2.5 or below).

    • Properly displaying variables when the interactive console is connected to a debug session. #PyDev-776

    • Providing a way for the debugger to support a user-specified version of Qt for debugging QThreads (preferences > PyDev > Debug > Qt Threads).

    • Fixed issue where a native Qt signal is not callable message was raised when connecting a signal to QThread.started.

    • Fixed issue in displaying variable (with Ctrl+Shift+D) when debugging.

    • Debug view toolbar icons no longer appearing stretched due to Set Next Statement icon having a different size.

  • Code completion... read more

Posted by Fabio Zadrozny 2017-03-23

PyDev 5.5.0 Released

PyDev 5.5.0 Release Highlights:

  • Important PyDev now requires Java 8 and Eclipse 4.6 (Neon) onwards.

    • PyDev 5.2.0 is the last release supporting Eclipse 4.5 (Mars).
  • If you enjoy PyDev, please show your appreciation through its Patreon crowdfunding:

  • Refactoring

    • Fixed refactoring error when dealing with imports which have a continuation char inside the module name part. #PyDev-712... read more
Posted by Fabio Zadrozny 2017-01-31

PyDev 5.4.0 Released

PyDev 5.4.0 Release Highlights:

  • Important PyDev now requires Java 8 and Eclipse 4.6 (Neon) onwards.

    • PyDev 5.2.0 is the last release supporting Eclipse 4.5 (Mars).
  • If you enjoy PyDev, please show your appreciation through its Patreon crowdfunding: .

  • Initial support for Python 3.6

    • Code analysis for expressions on f-strings.
    • Syntax highlighting on f-strings.
    • Handling of underscores in numeric literals.
    • Parsing (but still not using) variable annotations.
    • Parsing asynchronous generators and comprehensions.
  • Launching... read more

Posted by Fabio Zadrozny 2016-11-30

PyDev 5.3.1 Released

Release Highlights:

  • Important PyDev now requires Java 8 and Eclipse 4.6 (Neon) onwards.

    • PyDev 5.2.0 is the last release supporting Eclipse 4.5 (Mars).
  • Code Completion

    • Substring completions are on by default (may be turned off in the code-completion preferences).
    • Fixed issue with code-completion using aliases.
  • Others

    • Auto-fix imports with Ctrl+Shift+O properly sorts items based on the same sorting improvements for code-completion.
    • When fixing unresolved import (with Ctrl+1) it properly resolves dependent projects (bugfix for regression in 5.3.0).
    • async and await keywords are properly highlighted.
    • async blocks properly auto-indented.
    • In PEP 448 list unpack variable was not being marked as a "Load" variable (which made the code analysis yield false positives).... read more
Posted by Fabio Zadrozny 2016-11-03