
PyDev on Visual Studio Code

PyDev can now be used on Visual Studio Code!

The first release already provides features such as code analysis, code completion, go to definition, symbols for the workspace and editor, code formatting, find references, quick fixes and more (see for details).

All features have a strong focus on speed and have been shaped by the usage on PyDev over the last 14 years, so, I believe it's already pretty nice to use... there are still some big things to integrate (such as the PyDev debugger), but those should come on shortly.

The requisites are having java 8 (or higher) installed on the system (if it doesn't find it automatically the java home location may need to be specified in the settings -- has more details) and Python 2.6 or newer.

By default it should pick the python executable available on the PATH, but it's possible to specify a different python executable through the settings on VSCode (see for details).


Fabio Zadrozny

Software Developer

PyDev on VSCode

PyVmMonitor - Profile Python on VSCode

Posted by Fabio Zadrozny 2018-02-19

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