
Project Specific Env (Path)

  • Glen Richards

    Glen Richards - 2008-09-29


    I've been playing around with the auto-completion feature of Pydev.  What I *think* (please correct me if I'm wrong) is lacking is the ability to specify an environment on a per project basis.

    Here's why.  I use a slightly modified version of gtk in my development.  To get auto-completion to work it seems that I have to have the libgtk dll in my path (target platform is Windows).  The only way I can see to do this is by placing this path in my system's environment (appending to "path").  But the problem I have is that we may have more than one version of this dll, depending on the version of the software I'm working with.  So the only work around I've found is to have batch files to launch eclipse that set the path appropriately.

    Am I missing something here?  Can I set my path on a per project basis?  If not, would this be a good feature suggestion?  I'm aware that I can set the environment in the run configurations, but the auto-complete does not reference this.  I'm also aware that I can set my PythonPath on a project basis, but that does not help in my gtk related case.



    • Fabio Zadrozny

      Fabio Zadrozny - 2008-09-29


      Yes, you're right... Actually, I think that should be configured on a per-interpreter basis (and each project should be able to say which interpreter it uses)

      Right now, the only solution for that is having different workspaces (which is surely not the nicest way to have it).



  • Piotr Dobrogost

    Piotr Dobrogost - 2011-12-03

    Well it has been 3 years since you asked but better later than never :) There is Environment tab which allows to set environment variables specific to Python interpreter (Window|Preferences|PyDev|Interpeter - …). I guess that's what you wanted.