
Extend patch.

  • FictionBook Library


    This patch extending "surround feature" by Ctrl+1.


    Index: src/org/python/pydev/editor/correctionassist/heuristics/

    RCS file: /cvsroot/pydev/org.python.pydev/src/org/python/pydev/editor/correctionassist/heuristics/,v
    retrieving revision 1.12
    diff -u -r1.12
    --- src/org/python/pydev/editor/correctionassist/heuristics/    29 Apr 2006 18:43:01 -0000    1.12
    +++ src/org/python/pydev/editor/correctionassist/heuristics/    30 Apr 2008 23:00:57 -0000
    @@ -50,6 +50,13 @@
             int finRelNewPos;
             int excRelNewPos;
    +        int ifelseRelNewPos;
    +//        int ifelifRelNewPos;
    +        int whileTokenRelNewPos;
    +        int forTokenRelNewPos;
    +        int ifTokenRelNewPos;
    +        int withTokenRelNewPos;
             string = indentation+ string.replaceAll(delimiter, delimiter+indentation);
             String except = startIndent+"try:"+delimiter+string+delimiter;
             except += startIndent+"except:"+delimiter;
    @@ -61,12 +68,56 @@
             finall += startIndent+indentation;
             finRelNewPos = finall.length();
             finall += "pass";
    +        String ifElse = startIndent + "if True :" + delimiter + string + delimiter;
    +        ifElse += startIndent + "else:" + delimiter;
    +        ifElse += startIndent + indentation;
    +        ifelseRelNewPos = ifElse.length();
    +//        String ifElif = startIndent + "if True :" + delimiter + string + delimiter;
    +//        ifElif += startIndent + "elif False :" + delimiter;
    +//        ifElif += startIndent + indentation;
    +//        ifelifRelNewPos = ifElif.length();
    +        String whileToken = startIndent + "while True :" + delimiter + string + delimiter;
    +        whileToken += startIndent + indentation;
    +        whileTokenRelNewPos = whileToken.length();
    +        String forToken = startIndent + "for Item in Collection :" + delimiter + string + delimiter;
    +        forToken += startIndent + indentation;
    +        forTokenRelNewPos = forToken.length();
    +        String ifToken = startIndent + "if True :" + delimiter + string + delimiter;
    +        ifToken += startIndent + indentation;
    +        ifTokenRelNewPos = ifToken.length();
    +        String withToken = startIndent + "with Expression :" + delimiter + string + delimiter;
    +        withToken += startIndent + indentation;
    +        withTokenRelNewPos = withToken.length();
             l.add(new PyCompletionProposal(except, start, end-start, excRelNewPos, imageCache.get(UIConstants.ASSIST_TRY_EXCEPT),
                     "Surround with try..except", null, null, IPyCompletionProposal.PRIORITY_DEFAULT));
             l.add(new PyCompletionProposal(finall, start, end-start, finRelNewPos, imageCache.get(UIConstants.ASSIST_TRY_FINNALLY),
                     "Surround with try..finally", null, null, IPyCompletionProposal.PRIORITY_DEFAULT));
    +        l.add(new PyCompletionProposal(ifElse, start, end-start, ifelseRelNewPos, imageCache.get(UIConstants.COMPLETION_TEMPLATE),
    +                "if..else", null, null, IPyCompletionProposal.PRIORITY_DEFAULT));
    +//        l.add(new PyCompletionProposal(ifElif, start, end-start, ifelifRelNewPos, imageCache.get(UIConstants.COMPLETION_TEMPLATE),
    +//                "if..elif", null, null, IPyCompletionProposal.PRIORITY_DEFAULT));
    +        l.add(new PyCompletionProposal(whileToken, start, end-start, whileTokenRelNewPos, imageCache.get(UIConstants.COMPLETION_TEMPLATE),
    +                "while", null, null, IPyCompletionProposal.PRIORITY_DEFAULT));
    +        l.add(new PyCompletionProposal(forToken, start, end-start, forTokenRelNewPos, imageCache.get(UIConstants.COMPLETION_TEMPLATE),
    +                "for", null, null, IPyCompletionProposal.PRIORITY_DEFAULT));
    +        l.add(new PyCompletionProposal(ifToken, start, end-start, ifTokenRelNewPos, imageCache.get(UIConstants.COMPLETION_TEMPLATE),
    +                "if", null, null, IPyCompletionProposal.PRIORITY_DEFAULT));
    +        l.add(new PyCompletionProposal(withToken, start, end-start, withTokenRelNewPos, imageCache.get(UIConstants.COMPLETION_TEMPLATE),
    +                "with", null, null, IPyCompletionProposal.PRIORITY_DEFAULT));

             return l;

    • Fabio Zadrozny

      Fabio Zadrozny - 2008-05-01

      Hi, thanks for the patch, but could you create a bug-report with that patch attached as a file? (Usually pasting it in the forum makes it loose formating and makes it harder for me to apply the patch -- not mentioning that sometimes I can end up totally forgetting about it if I can't do it right away).

      In the end of there's a little how to explaining how to create/contribute the patch.



    • FictionBook Library