Tim Burrell - 2013-09-10

PyCmd is awesome! It fixes most of what I hate about cmd.exe although
there's a couple things I still miss from zsh:

  • A zsh style completion mode would be awesome, where you get the regular
    bash style completion, but at the same time it pops up a grid / menu of the
    choices that you can navigate with the arrow keys. (You can see a
    screenshot here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Zsh-demo.png)

  • Synchronized command history. It'd be nice to have history from one
    pycmd tab immediately available in another tab.

  • Tab completion modules for common commands

  • Spelling correction. I've gotten used to zsh's spelling correction
    which is nice, but for me this is a low priority one.

I suppose eventually a bash script interpreter would be awesome but just
the cmd.exe interface improvements are great!

I also think a name change is a good idea. My vote goes for Zinc :).