
#29 COOL instances vs memory usage & environment rule triggering


Some various test scenarios in the attachment shows
that some instances that are explicitelly deleted seems
to still be in memory. A CLIPS test case equivalent is
also provided.

Also, the usage of COOL instances in rules don't seem
to trigger well with symbols conditions when using a
clips environment.

See <testscenario> file in tar.gz attachment for more
details on each topic.


  • JFGuilbert

    JFGuilbert - 2005-11-08

    PyClips COOL test scenarios

  • Francesco Garosi

    • assigned_to: nobody --> franzg
  • Francesco Garosi

    Logged In: YES


    I just received a notification about this bug - sorry for
    the other one, but I've not been able to reproduce it: it
    can really take me some time.

    Regarding the first part - memory occupation - I think that
    the origin of the problem may reside in the way CLIPS
    objects are mapped to Python ones - even though for what I
    see, you mostly create objects directly in CLIPS instead of
    using the Build* functions. Probably there is a reference
    counter somewhere that does not drop to zero: I will start
    investigating right now. Just for the note: unfortunately
    the Memory.Free() function is not of much help in freeing
    real used memory, as it just reclaims buffers used for
    pretty-printing. However the fact that COOL objects are not
    correctly destroyed warns me of a poorly designed object
    manager hidden somewhere.

    As of the other issue (symbol matching behaving oddly when
    using an environment), it looks also strange to me. Too bad,
    it cannot be reproduced in a pure CLIPS session - as it does
    not support environments.

    Thank you for the detailed test cases, I think I've got some
    stuff to work on.



  • Francesco Garosi

    • priority: 5 --> 9
  • Francesco Garosi

    Logged In: YES

    This is quite weird:

    ## Here the file bstar.clp contains the following:
    ## (defclass TestOOCls (is-a USER)(slot a1))
    ## (make-instance tst of TestOOCls)
    ## (defrule testRule1
    ## (object (is-a TestOOCls) (a1 ?a1&HELLO))
    ## =>
    ## (printout t ?a1))

    import clips
    env = clips.Environment()
    tst = env.FindInstance("tst")
    #tst.Slots['a1'] = clips.Symbol("HELLO")
    env.Eval("(active-modify-instance tst (a1 HELLO))")
    print tst.PPForm()
    print clips.StdoutStream.Read()

    ## this will output HELLO, as expected
    [END CODE]

    where the "active-modify-instance" function is supposed to
    use the low-level DirectPutSlot function (as the Slots[]
    pseudo-dictionary does). The Eval() happens at environment
    level, thus should have the same effect. Next step will
    consist of examining the active-modify-instance command
    definition in the CLIPS source.

    Maybe I will have to patch CLIPS itself to correct this


  • Francesco Garosi

    Logged In: YES

    Partial good news. I found that the file "clipsmodule.c" was
    actually using non-environment functions to assign values to
    instance slots. It seemed that it would have been the same,
    but looking at the CLIPS source the DATA_OBJECT assignment
    functions work differently when environment-aware or not.
    This solves the problem of matching objects by symbols
    assigned to slots (see in the test case).

    I prepared a patch using subversion, to be applied to the
    pyclips-1.0_R3 source base: it possibly would not work with
    previous "R" versions. Please download (see below) and apply
    clipsmodule.c.diff to the existing source: it will be
    incorporated in the next CVS commit and in the next release.

    I'm still looking for a solution to the second part of the bug.



  • Francesco Garosi

    Patch for environment problem (SVN)

  • Francesco Garosi

    Logged In: YES

    Second part of "partial good news": i discovered why the
    "Free" function does not release all the memory that would
    be expected. The reason is, that many of the items that
    CLIPS marks as garbage are actually not released due to the
    use of heuristics while performing the periodic cleanup.
    This happens because, if there are any rules executing, they
    might need to access the data of some of the invalid entities.

    Probably the CLIPS shell, when returning to the prompt,
    performs a periodic cleanup, and uses heuristics if there
    are no more rules executing, and avoids heuristics otherwise.

    This could actually not be solved using the documented CLIPS
    API. However the latest CVS head implements a low-level
    function (namely forceCleanup/env_forceCleanup) that allows
    the user to attempt to force a garbage collection, possibly
    avoiding heuristics. If you recompile the latest CVS, print
    the function documentation to see how it can be used.

    As a test, you can add the following lines to each of the
    COOL_Mem_test?.py files:

    clips._clips.forceCleanup(True, False)
    clips.Memory.Free ( )
    print "Memory After C/Free: ", clips.Memory.Used

    You will notice that the result in the last line of output
    is close to the expected one. Since this function is not
    described in the "official" CLIPS API, I will probably not
    implement it in the high-level interface.

    However, as it tests whether or not any rule is executing
    before actually trying to perform the garbage collection (it
    raises an exception in case of rule execution), the use of
    this utility should be safe in a production environment.

    In my opinion this should close the bug.



  • Francesco Garosi

    Logged In: YES

    The fixes for this bug or request have been accepted and
    committed to current CVS tree: next release will include these
    fixes, possibly among other enhancements.

  • Francesco Garosi

    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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