
Python-Allegro / News: Recent posts


New release you can download from The changes log is attached to the release.

Posted by Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz 2007-04-29


Corrected docsubst bug in alpy.allegro_id.

Corrected bug in alpy.register_counter().

Added support to pass unicode strings to the Allegro C version. New
exunicode_ascii and exunicode_utf8 examples show how to do this.

Finished fleshing out the documentation.txt file.

Made alpy_set_alpha_blender() available as set_alpha_blender()
on the Python side. Also implemented allegro_message().

Posted by Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz 2006-07-09

alpy-0.1.3 released

New version. Many documentation improvements and a bugfix for Bitmap.polygon().

Posted by Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz 2006-03-26


We have moved from CVS to SVN. Both will be active for a few months, but after that CVS will likely be removed (hidden) once all references pointing at that are updated to point to SVN.

Posted by Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz 2006-03-15