
Why Such Ugly Graphics?

  • James Anderson Jr.

    This is a powerful utility but unfortunately is brought down by is horrendous program icon, and poor GUI appearance. Please fix soon. Thanx!

  • Christian Thoeing

    Hi James,

    Thank you for your comment. I agree with you that the program icon and the GUI in general don't look very fancy and should be revised/ modernized to some degree. A redesign of the graphics has never been a top-priority project, however, because GUI design is pretty exhausting and time-consuming (at least for me), and the selection of fancy GUI controls is very limited in the development environment which I'm using for PWGen (C++ Builder 6). Therefore, I use the fraction of my spare time which I spend for PWGen mainly for improving the functionalities of the program rather than for aspects of design and appearance. But this may change in the future, who knows.

    What I don't really understand, is the statement in your review, "ugly, outdated GUI, and just bad overall presentation and appearance". PWGen uses normal Windows control elements in the XP design just like about 90% of all Windows applications. Could you please give me more details, i.e., which parts of the software are particularly ugly/ outdated/ badly presented? In how far exactly should the GUI be redesigned in your opinion? Your criticism is not very helpful for me without any specific hints for improvement. Usability is certainly an important aspect of software---which functionalities/ GUI elements of PWGen require improvement?

    As for the program icon, I would greatly appreciate your help here. If you have an idea for a fancy icon or could even design a new icon for PWGen, please let me know!


  • Qua

    Qua - 2016-03-17

    Dude, stfu. This program is PEFECT the way it is. It is not outdated just because it doesn't freaking use QI. Don't like the interface? Don't use it. Just don't come here & bitch about the interface, which works PERFECTLY fine & has NO issues. Which you would have to be a complete moron to be able to find it hard to use. It doesn't get more simple than this software. You are blind.

    Christian, please do not even consider changing the interface of this software. It is getting harder & harder to use software these days, with all the forced UI changes people have been making. It makes me miserable. I loathe flat design, especially when it is bright freaking white & blue (seemingly the current hideous standard). It also doesn't interact with Windows' own theme-ing visual style, which for many of us who USE third party themes, this is a HUGE problem. It renders software 100% unusable, because it ends up with bright text on a bright background.

    The fact someone cannot simply use software the way most of it usually has been, for YEARS, should telll you their opinion on this subject means nothing. Just because something uses something a little older, doesn't, by any means, make it outdated. The interface is simple, easy to use & makes sense. I don't know where they get off but they are 100% wrong.

  • Qua

    Qua - 2016-03-17

    Also, as low-res as the icon is, I think it makes sense for PWGen, the only thing I'd change maybe, is to have a similar one made in higher resolution & a little better style. Maybe something from the BUUF collection would work. I'm not sure if Matahaan allows for this with his icons, but maybe he does?

  • Qua

    Qua - 2016-03-17
    He seems to do custom work, but I can probably bet there is an icon he's already made that should work perfectly fine.


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