
can't find putty.exe

  • worto03

    worto03 - 2007-09-07


    Hope this isn't too stupid a question but when I double click on one of my sessions I get a windows alert error saying :

    PuTTY Failed to start. Check the PuTTY location. The system cannot find the file specified.

    I normally just have putty on my desktop but have tried moving into a folder in my path (c:\Windows) but that made no diference. Is there a certain folder I should have the putty application in for this to work?

    Brilliant program by the way, I was using this yahoo widget before but with over 80 sessions needed to be able to group them.


    • worto03

      worto03 - 2007-09-07

      never mind - I've found it now, there are config options by right clicking on the system tray icon then choose options.

      I right clicked everywhere apart from there this morning!


    • David R

      David R - 2007-09-08

      Hi Worto

      Glad you sorted it out - apologies for the lack of documentation.  As a short term fix, I have changed the error message to be

      "Check the PuTTY location in System Tray -> Options."

      This will be included in the next release


    • Ruby

      Ruby - 2007-09-26

      hi, David,

      I occurred this problem too, have you resolved this problem and release a new version?

      my Putty resides in desktop..



    • David R

      David R - 2007-09-26

      Hi Ruby

      This isn't a problem that needs a fix ( I just improved the error message ) - you just need to set the PuTTY location in the options.

      Right click on the PSM System Tray icon, select options, the click on the "Locate putty.exe" button.

      Point it at your putty.exe on the desktop , and you should be up and running


    • Ruby

      Ruby - 2007-09-27


      Thank you, my problem has resolved. just a little advice....people seldom put there putty.exe in c:\program files\putty.exe because this is a dangerous place, if you could provide a prompt box to ask people to locate their putty.exe when first use, this should be better.

      And the "Tray icon" confused me when I saw the warning, microsoft call the area "notification area".

    • David R

      David R - 2007-09-27

      Hi Ruby

      That's the default location of the PuTTY installer - so I used it a reasonable starting point.  However , good suggestion, I will add feature for it to validate the location of PuTTY on startup and prompt if it can't be found.


      PS. There's a quick explanation of the confusion between System Tray and Notification Area on wikipedia  - I had to choose one of them, and I prefer System Tray!

    • Ruby

      Ruby - 2007-09-28


      If you release the new version which would prompt a window to ask locating Putty.exe, would you please send me a copy to my email:

      I would recommend my team mates to use the updated tool by then :)

      thanks a lot


    • David R

      David R - 2007-09-28

      Hi Ruby

      You can monitor any releases by using this

      That will automatically send you a release notification email

      Thanks for all the feedback


    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2008-08-11

      For what it's worth, I had to tell PSM where my putty.exe file was *every time it started* until I went and manually changed the PuTTY Session Manager.exe.config file itself.  Possible bug, not taking/saving that setting from the dialog?

      For the record, the config variable is near the top of that file:

                  <setting name="PuttyLocation" serializeAs="String">

      No matter how many times PSM asked (and I answered), it never remembered until I hard-coded this in.

    • David R

      David R - 2008-08-14

      Hi Jeff

      Thanks for the heads up on this one!

      There appear to bugs in saving preferences - it will save the prefs if you exit the app from the system tray - it just doesn't always seem to save the prefs if you just logout / shutdown the computer.

      I think I'm going to change the way prefs are saved , as this type of bug has come up a few times now....



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