
Possible feature requests around the tabs

  • Randy

    Randy - 2018-06-01

    So far, I only have positive feedback about your implementation ... but as I've continued to use it, there are a couple things I keep running into.

    First is a result of habit ... is it possible to add or activate a right-click menu to the tabs? I've been using your version for a few weeks now, but I continue to try and right-click the tabs when I want to duplicate, restart or change a sessions settings. I know that those options are available on your ribbon, but my natural reflex (at least after years of using putty) is to try and right-click the session.

    Second is something that may or may not be useful to people, but the more that I use it, I kind of wish that I could set custom icons in the session tabs. I tend to have many sessions at once, and as the tabs start to squish, the hostname is the first thing to be sacrificed since its always on the left of the FQDN which is the default display of the tab. The icon, however, is always preserved regardless of tab density. When I check the "Seperate window and icon titles" box, the tab simply displays the port ":22" which doesn't help, and specifiying a window title in the session settings doesn't seem to impact the text on the tab (which perhaps it is not supposed to).



    Last edit: Randy 2018-06-01
  • Noodle

    Noodle - 2018-06-12
    1. the right click. try the attachment. If everything goes well, it will be released in next version.
    2. icons. It will be cool if it is supported by the ssh protocol like the http. But if not, it will be hard to configed and then seldom be used. Back to the situation you are suffering, I would suggest to group the related sessions and open group in different window. And if you want to change the tab title, rename it by Ctrl+Shift+e, or do bash printf "\e]2;YOUR TITLE GOES HERE\a" with setting[Terminal->Features->Disable remote-controlled tab...] untick, or rename session
  • Randy

    Randy - 2018-06-12

    Thanks, I'll try the the attached version and let you know, and thanks for the bash command, I'll see if I can incorporate that into my tools somehow.

    As for the icons, I understand the limited use-case, but it seems like a waste of space on the tabs to show putty icon after putty icon. Perhaps others would benefit from a simple selection of default icons (like a server, a switch, a database, etc) to distinguish them. If such a setting were retained in the session state of the registry, users like myself could further leverage it for custimization without out cluttering up the interface. And although I doubt there is anything in the protocol to support it, perhaps an alternative would be baking some custom syntax into the above bash command so the icon could be changed after the session is established.

    Perhaps though, if others chime in here, the icon idea may make more or less sense.


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