
open test of putty-nd7.0, merge the recent Putty0.74 changes

  • Noodle

    Noodle - 2020-09-10
  • Noodle

    Noodle - 2020-09-10

    I have been using it for a while. And it is ready for more tests. If you are interested in it, please make a backup of the sessions' data before you try. Should you encounter any bugs, please report here. Thx!

  • Stanislav Studený

    Just switched from working version 6.8.
    I just typed username: root and hit enter ... the rest has been auto-generated

    login: root
    Access denied
    Access denied
    Access denied
    Access denied
    Access denied

    -------- Connection closed by remote host --------

    ------ Fatal Error
    ------Error:Remote side sent disconnect message
    type 2 (protocol error):
    "Too many authentication failures"

  • Noodle

    Noodle - 2020-09-19

    Thanks man! fixed in 7.1 and released!

    1. Bugs
      1. cmdline_password must be inited as NULL instead of "". Otherwise it will be sent, which prevents getting the authentication from keyboard.
  • Stanislav Studený

    Verified, 7.1 is OK. :-)

  • Maksim

    Maksim - 2020-10-01

    Something broke with serial connection since 7.0

  • Noodle

    Noodle - 2020-10-08

    Hi Maksim,

    Could you help to verify it with the attachment?
    It was tested with a simulated serial connection.

  • Maksim

    Maksim - 2020-10-08

    At first glance serial connection works ok. I'll test it further.

  • Maksim

    Maksim - 2020-10-14

    Seems like serial connection works ok.

  • Noodle

    Noodle - 2020-10-14

    cool! released in putty-nd7.4. thought it was fine. thx!


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