
Select text by clicking start and shift clicking end of range

  • Francisco Jorge

    Francisco Jorge - 2018-12-17


    In many Windows text applications, like Notepad, Word, ... you position the cursor anywhere, or select a piece of text, then you move the mouse to anyother place of the document, press shift and without releasing it, you click the mouse. Then all text between the place where the cursor was and where you have clicked the mouse is selected.

    Would it be possible to add this feature to putty-nd?


  • Noodle

    Noodle - 2018-12-19

    I will look into this later at the weekend.

  • Noodle

    Noodle - 2018-12-20

    Please try the exe file in the attachment. If everything is fine, it will be released in the next version.


    Last edit: Noodle 2018-12-20
  • Francisco Jorge

    Francisco Jorge - 2018-12-22

    Yes, it works!!!!

    Thanks a lot!!!

    Just one comment. It looks like if you have selected a piece of text and want to reduce the selection, putty-nd deselects the upper or the lower part of the text, depending on where you click. If you click closer to the end of the selection, the lower part of the text is deselected. If you click closer to the end of the selection, the lower part of the text is deselected.

    I like it this way, but Word, Notepad, ... always deselect the lower part of the text.

    Just wanted to let you know :)

    Regards and thanks again for your work.

  • Noodle

    Noodle - 2018-12-24

    I am glad you like it and thanks.



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