
pureIRCd (IRC daemon) / News: Recent posts

Release of pureIRCd "DragonIRC" 0.3

This release features alot of fixes and implementaions of KILL USERS SUMMON VERSION LINKS ADMIN LIST STATS.

be sure to check it out

as always im availabel for help...

Dennis Fisch

Posted by Dennis Fisch 2003-08-20

Release of pureIRCd "DragonIRC" 0.2

hey again,
This release will finally feature basic channels support, be sure to file a bug report for anything odd you encounter! thats very important! im going for 100% RFC compliance and if there's just a little bit wrong ill feel guilty....
file requests as well, anything you have.

P.s: you might have noticed that alot of packages vanished from the download list. These have been hidden, it's alot easier to keep track of only 1 or 2 releases per package instead of a whole list.
Also, many people were getting the very old vb6 version of the ircd which mainly featured alot of bugs :)... read more

Posted by Dennis Fisch 2003-08-19

Release of pureIRCd "DragonIRC" 0.1

This release is mostly just what has been done since the initial post about a rewrite...

Well since then alot of code has been written and i thought i'd share it with others. If you download this, make sure you're gonna debug it some, see if you can crash it, and if so, please file a bug...

Core Developer, Dennis Fisch

p.s. as always, im available for help, just pass me a mail, or, even better, post to the forums!

Posted by Dennis Fisch 2003-08-15


a full rewrite of pureIRCd dotnet is currently taking place, expect future releases to be delayed by a few weeks. This will also affect pureircd services which are just something like an addon on the base of the pureIRCd-dotnet source.

This rewrite is believed to improve performance and reduce system resource usage significantly. there are some bugs too that coudlnt be fixed which should be gone after the rewrite.

Posted by Dennis Fisch 2003-08-04

pureIRCd-5.0 STABLE release

This is the first stable release of pureIRCd. pureIRCd is an Internet Relay Chat daemon.

In this release all bugs encountered have been worked out, a lot of features have been implemented and we are proud to present you with an IRCd that will enable you to host a server on your site that you can trust in. This server should never fail, if it does, cleanup is easy, without the need to restart and kill uptime of course. "/kill" for users, "/raw close" for unregistered connections.
or even "/mimic Servername SQUIT :cleanup" to close serverconnections. to list all connections a /listusers will be there to help you. You should be advised though, that is is stable for standalone only, the networking is our next step.... read more

Posted by Dennis Fisch 2003-05-23

pureIRCd -- Mailing List

Please subscribe to the pureIRCd mailing list in order to recieve notes about progresses, exploits or serious bugs. it also helps us to keep track of our client base and provide better support as is the case right now. Please subscribe here:

The traffic going through that list will be pretty low and contain important messages only.


Posted by Dennis Fisch 2003-04-04

pureIRCd is ported to the .NET framework

Due to the nature of Visual Basic 6 and it's inability to remain stable and easy to debug we have decided to port to .NET which should also give us quite a performance boost. It is of major importance to us to be able to run this software for an undefined amount of time, and that was NOT possible with vb6 code. After some time we have experienced cpu spikes to 100% usage for no appearant reason which rendered the server and half of the systems reouscres disabled unless you kill the process. we also benefit from .NET features like "free threading", "asynchronous execution" and improved memory management (Garbage collection) as well as the great IDE and debugger. This should enable us to provide you with a server that outperforms all other servers that already exist.... read more

Posted by Dennis Fisch 2003-03-19

pureIRCd 2.7.1375 released

This release addresses the connection problems experienced in earlier two releases, but also features alot of new commands and two new usermodes. N and A, NetAdmin and Admin new commands are: GlobOps, at least admin or higher required LocOps, at least ircop or higher required SAMode changed, admin or higher required UMode changed, admin or higher required Mimic, at least Admin AND NetAdmin requried (dangerous!!)

Posted by Dennis Fisch 2003-03-13

pureIRCd services 1.7.70 released

Closed a major security hole. When a nick is registered a global notice is sent by the services with the password in it. this has been fixed, it was suppossed to read the name that was registered.

everybody MUST update now, or there may be exploits...

Posted by Dennis Fisch 2003-03-10

pureIRCd hits Top-100!

pureIRCd is an open source Win32 native IRC Chat server. It works in networks (almost totally in synch) as well as standalone where it works perfectly accordingly to alot of users.

Today pureIRCd has hit Rank 62 off over 57000 Projects, this is another milestone in development we are all very proud of. Hopefully this will bring alot more clients to the project and more Admins can enjoy pureIRCd. All the bug submissions and feature requests are aiding us alot in development.... read more

Posted by Dennis Fisch 2003-03-05

pureIRCd release 2.7.1304

pureIRCd is a Win32 IRCd written in Visual Basic, that operates Fast and efficiently in networks as well as standalone.

This release features better Server to Server linking, some statistics additions and Server - Server autoconnecting. Autoconnecting is new to pureIRCd and may have some glitches, so dont trust on it, it's alpha, really. You dont have to upgrade to this version of pureIRCd if you mostly use it standalone as most changes only affect server links. ... read more

Posted by Dennis Fisch 2003-03-03

pureIRCd Homepage up

The homepage for pureIRCd is now available on hosts, (home:\) you might want to check it out.

Posted by Dennis Fisch 2003-03-02

pureIRCd goes BETA!

pureIRCd is a program that acts as an IRC server that is solely written for Win32 Systems.
This new release marks a milestone in development as we are now ready to go BETA.
pureIRCd has achived great stability and speed to make it possible to put it to normal work.

I would especially like to thank Smokey, who made alot of this possible by submitting
all the bug reports. Also Johnny has contributed greatly to pureIRCd by giving me advise
or telling me to add certain things. Without these two people i probably wouldn't be where i am now.... read more

Posted by Dennis Fisch 2003-03-01

IRCd Remote Admin Tool - Not Dead

We have decided to do a duel version of IRCd Remote Admin Tool, one in and one in VS - VB6. The VB6 version will stay as code name Draconic and the version will be code named Feuer-Drache the words are German for Fire Dragon, very fitting as our founder of pureIRCd is German.
Please bare with us as we are trying to port some of the things to from the vb6 version right now. It is very slow going as We have to learn confusing language).
We should soon have the vb6 version updated soon with new things..and a prototype version of very soon.
Thanks for your understanding in this matter.
And ALOT of thanks for downloading the versions we have so far. Any sugestions?
Johnny aka Pern of

Posted by Johnny aka Pern 2003-02-28

purIRCd 2.7.1211 released

Major fixes in memory leaks, a new configuration line. bug fixes (as listed in bugtracker) still to come

Posted by Dennis Fisch 2003-02-22

MAJOR leak fixed in new release

For every connection at least 3 handles and a few bytes must be allocated, but after the connection was closed the server did never discard that memory. this has been fixed.

Posted by Dennis Fisch 2003-02-22

pureIRCd -- services

services will soon be released, ChanServ and NickServ working already. Only on a very generic away, but still, ChanServ is already able to maintain a channel.

Posted by Dennis Fisch 2003-02-15

Documentation for all commands supported by pureIRCd posted

i have posted documentation for all commands that pureIRCd supports, i hope you like it. Please ask me if there are any questions. The best place for that is the support tracker.

Posted by Dennis Fisch 2003-02-09

Latest Version of Remote Admin Tool v1.1.01 Draconic Alpha

The new Latest Version of Remote Admin Tool v1.1.01 Draconic Alpha is out alot of changes some include new directory layout. New adapts to xp themes. Looks for PureIRCd install. New menu layout as well as new icons. and more for complete listing of changes see history in the docs directory.
Please send all bug reports to thx
Johnny aka Pern

Posted by Johnny aka Pern 2003-02-09

First Release of Admin Tool

ON Saterday, February 01, 2003 Dilligent started Codeing an idea Pern had to
make a Admin Tool (Remote Cousole) for Dilligent's PureIRCd Program.

Dilligent took some ideas of his own and some Pern had and coded the
raw begining code. Basicaly the conection area and one or two retriving areas.

Dill coded the orginal user counts and other counts

This allowed Pern to see how Dilligent coded his PureIrcd and Pern didnt have to
guess on how to do it..thus saving alot of time and headaces for Pern (thx Dill)... read more

Posted by Johnny aka Pern 2003-02-03

New release (2.7.977)

This release was posted after a serious bug in the nick command has been fixed. Also a lot of numeric replies were added where missing and corrected where they were wrong, also added some functionality to the MODE command, as well as i've coded the WHOWAS command.

Posted by Dennis Fisch 2003-02-02

Admin tool

An remote admin tool is currently being developed for this IRCd as it has been found to be quite desirable for admins to collect information about one's server without connecting a new client.

Posted by Dennis Fisch 2003-02-02

Many fixes/add-ons

Hello, everybody..
Im proud to release this new version of PURE-IRCd, which fixes all the sockets problems you probably experienced before. It also fixes alot of other bugs and has some neat additions:

here's a quick overview:
ADDED a new numeric in /stats m replies to show the bandwidth usage for the command...
FIXED The problems with the sockets has been fully fixed!
FIXED Invisible (+i) users now show up in the nicklist when joining a channel
FIXED You can no longer join/create channels with an invalid name
FIXED A Client's Quit message is now fully visible.
ADDED Many additional tables for Server/Kill messages and some other things.

Posted by Dennis Fisch 2003-02-01

Socket class MUST be rewritten

I have to write my own sockets class now.... for the first time that is ;) look at the tasks list for more details about that...

Posted by Dennis Fisch 2003-01-27

Most networking code has been written

Hello everybody, I'm proud to say that after another sleepless night i am now pretty close to getting the networking done. You can already:
-Introduce new servers
-make users globally visible
-chat (Notice/privmsg)
-make version/time/motd queries from one server to another.

Unfortunately i broke some other parts of the code like the mode command and the kill command. I will take care of that later though.... read more

Posted by Dennis Fisch 2003-01-20