Miller Puckette - 2014-08-03

Good ideas.. I got things a bit closer to "expected" behavior :)


On Thu, Aug 08, 2013 at 04:33:09PM +0000, Claude Heiland-Allen wrote:

[bugs:#1103] confusing help for subpatch and table

Status: open
Labels: documentation
Created: Thu Aug 08, 2013 04:33 PM UTC by Claude Heiland-Allen
Last Updated: Thu Aug 08, 2013 04:33 PM UTC
Owner: nobody

Pd-0.45.0 ("test") compiled 17:10:02 Aug 8 2013

What Happens

  • [pd] subpatch right-click help opens canvas-help.pd which is really the help patch for [table]
  • there is a pd-help.pd for subpatches, accessible from [inlet] [inlet~] [outlet] [outlet~] right-click help
  • [table] right-click help opens canvas-help.pd
  • help browser 5.reference doesn't list any table-help.pd
  • empty canvas space right-click help opens help-intro.pd

What I Expected

  • [pd] -> pd-help.pd
  • [table] -> table-help.pd (with same or better content as current canvas-help.pd)
  • empty space -> canvas-help.pd which could explain the process of creating patches using mouse and keyboard etc
  • "object index" (or similar) menu item in help menu -> help-intro.pd

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Bugs: #1103