
Clock ID is equal to 1

  • Hosam Hittini

    Hosam Hittini - 2014-08-13


    I have two computers running ubuntu
    I used the following command for my server
    "sudo ptpd -G -b em1 -C -z"
    and this one for the client
    "sudo ptpd -g -b wlan2 -z -C"
    This is what the server shows
    "2014-08-13 13:43:14.144331, mst, 90b11cfffea6e594(unknown)/00"
    and this is what the client shows
    "2014-08-13 13:51:17.857819, lstn_init, 1"
    Please note that both of them show that Startup finished sucessfully
    What's the issue here?
    Thank you

    Eng. Hosam Hittini

  • Wojciech Owczarek

    Hi - first of all, you're using an old version of ptpd it seems. Update to 2.3. Also one machine is running on a wired network and the other on wireless. Wireless is never good for PTP because of high packet delay variation. Are you using some type of a router in the middle that bridges your wired with wireless? Not all kit supports multicast crossing wireless bridges. Try unicast ( -u [IP address] ) on each machine so they talk to each other without the need for multicast. If that works, this is a network problem / multicast forwarding problem. If both devices are on different LANs / subnets then you need multicast routing between them (PIM) - otherwise use unicast. However, currently unicast support in ptpd is limited in a way that a unicast master will only talk to a single slave.

  • Hosam Hittini

    Hosam Hittini - 2014-08-14

    Regarding the version that's the latest version I got from Ubuntu repository, do you recommend compiling the source files of version 2.3? I don't prefer that

    The network is fine, both master and slave are connected to the same LAN using the same router, and my setup has 1 master and 10 slaves; so, unicast won't work for me. I turned multicast on in my router and now the client is synching. This is a part of the output

    Timestamp, State, Clock ID, One Way Delay, Offset From Master, Slave to Master, Master to Slave, Drift, Discarded Packet Count, Last packet Received
    2014-08-14 10:04:54.142464, slv, 90b11cfffea6e594(unknown)/01, 0.000000000, -0.402337297, 0.000000000, -0.403409684, -512000, 0, S
    2014-08-14 10:34:17.059627, slv, 90b11cfffea6e594(unknown)/01, 0.001779393, -0.510979568, 0.513336255, -0.509029642, -512000, -4, S

    I wonder if you can recommend the best configuration arguments to get the best performance, time is very critical for me

    I was also wondering what's the unit of delay, is it s or ms or us?
    My plan was to have identical delay links by connecting the master using ethernet and all the clients wirelessly, all clients in that case are going to be one ethernet link and one wireless link away from the server, is packet delay in wireless networks still a concern in that case?

    Thank you


    Last edit: Hosam Hittini 2014-08-14

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