
Could not retrieve ethtool information for eth0

Philip Lee
  • Philip Lee

    Philip Lee - 2014-02-03

    I installed 2.1 from the Debian repos, but I need level2 functionality, so I built 2.3.0. When running the test ./src/ptpd2 -c test/client-e2e-socket.conf with ptpengine:interface = eth0, I get the following errors in /var/run/ptpd2.event.log:

    2014-02-03 10:12:00.111972 ptpd2[14675].startup (info) () Info: Now running as a daemon
    2014-02-03 10:12:00.112140 ptpd2[14675].startup (info) (
    ) Successfully acquired lock on /var/run/ptpd2.lock
    2014-02-03 10:12:00.112171 ptpd2[14675].startup (notice) () PTPDv2 started successfully on eth0 using "slaveonly" preset (PID 14675)
    2014-02-03 10:12:00.112755 ptpd2[14675].eth0 (error) (init) Could not retrieve ethtool information for eth0 (strerror: Operation not supported)
    2014-02-03 10:12:00.112788 ptpd2[14675].eth0 (error) (init) failed to enable receive time stamps2014-02-03 10:12:00.112795 ptpd2[14675].eth0 (error) (init) failed to initialize network
    2014-02-03 10:12:00.112879 ptpd2[14675].eth0 (notice) (
    ) Self shutdown, probably due to an error

    What am I doing wrong? Thanks!

  • Wojciech Owczarek

    ...looks like SourceForge ate my comment while submitting it, so here it goes again...


    You're not doing anything wrong, this is a bug. Ptpd is unable to lookup your NIC's timestamping capabilities so gives up instead of defaulting to standard software timestamping. This has been fixed in subversion since.

    Here are your options:
    - Run current Subversion code - there have been no major changes, bug fixes if anything, so you should be fine with this
    - If you need to be running 2.3.0 stable, run in libpcap mode (ptpengine:use_libpcap=y) so you won't experience this issue
    - Wait for the next minor version of ptpd which will have the fix for this.

    However, seeing that you're planning to run in Layer 2 mode (did I get this right?) - you won't have to use sockets at all, you just set ptpengine:transport=ethernet and not set any value for ptpengine:ip_mode and you should be fine.



    Last edit: Wojciech Owczarek 2014-02-03
  • Philip Lee

    Philip Lee - 2014-02-03

    Thanks a lot!


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