
(no subject)

  • antrob

    antrob - 2015-06-18


    I'am trying to synchronize my 3 RaspberryPi clock on ptpd-2.1.0 but I can't.
    I want 1 master and 2 slaves.
    So I ran on the master : sudo ptpd -b wlan0
    On the slaves : sudo ptpd -g -b wlan0

    The clocks are synchronized but close to 0.5/1 second no more.

    Where am I wrong?

    Thanks for your help.


    Last edit: antrob 2015-06-18
  • Jan Breuer

    Jan Breuer - 2015-06-18


    • please, for further questions, fill the subject
    • version 2.1.0 is old and unsupported. You should upgrade to 2.3
    • check if there is no other source of synchronization on your boards (e.g. ntp)
    • check if there is no other ptpd running (kill them all before next test)

    I think, that version 2.1 has wrong default settins to P2P delay mechanism instead of E2E (-h option)

    You should also provide more info about whats going on. Try to run ptpd on all devices in foreground mode (-c option)

    You should also enable statistics (-D option)

    master: sudo ptpd -hcDb wlan0
    slave: sudo ptpd -hcDgb wlan0

    You should see also state of the synchronization - listening, master, slave.

    All slaves should go to "slave" state after master goes to "master" state.


  • Wojciech Owczarek


    On another note - you are using a Raspberry Pi with a wireless LAN adapter via USB. This is going to give you very poor timing performance, in those conditions NTP may actually fare better, unless you wait for ptpd 2.3.1 which adds some enhanced outlier filtering and statistical filtering, but still the platform you've got is useful for testing but not much else.


  • antrob

    antrob - 2015-06-19


    thank for your responses.
    Concerning the subject, it was to late when I realized that I had forgotten it, I'm really sorry about that.
    Concerning the version, it is the latest version in the official repositories (using apt-get) and I had difficulties to compile the 2.3 version.
    Wojciech, thanks for this note, thus I think I will use NTP.

    Thanks for you help.


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