
PTPd over WAN

simon woo
  • simon woo

    simon woo - 2012-09-18


    I am trying to experiment PTPd over WAN, even though PTP is not designed for it. But I like to see how it performs.

    I have a master at IPaddr: 136.x.x.x and slave at IPaddr: 128.x.x.x

    Following is the my slave configuration:

    ptpd2 -g -cC -B -DVfS -T 20 -u 136.x.x.x

    my master configuration:

    ptpd2 -G -cC -T 20 -u 128.x.x.x

    I am capturing the traffic and seeing master is sending ptp packet to slave. However, I am getting ICMP host unreachable  message from slave.

    My question is:
    Is there a way I can configure PTPd between two machines over WAN ? Is it Possible ?
    If yes, Could you please let me know where I misconfigured ?

    Thanks !


  • Nuno

    Nuno - 2012-11-19


    Have you already solved this problem? I'm facing the same issue and some tips would be great.



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