
PTPd does not update system clock

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  • Christian Joerg

    Christian Joerg - 2016-03-04

    I want to synchronize 2 embedded systems. One hase a RTC and should be the master.
    PTPd is started this way:
    ptpd2 -i eth0 -M -C -V
    The second one should synchronize to the master:
    ptpd2 -s -i eth0 -V -C

    The Problem is, that the slave does not update its system time. The messages on the slave show that it receives the correct time:

    2016-03-04 10:10:39.363983, slv, 0011b8fffe000f2d(unknown)/01, 0.000126991, 0.126527611, -0.126437831, 0.126643259, 500000.000000000, S
    2016-03-04 10:10:39.473098, slv, 0011b8fffe000f2d(unknown)/01, 0.000126102, 0.126527611, -0.126431932, 0.126643259, 500000.000000000, D
    2016-03-04 10:10:40.098373, slv, 0011b8fffe000f2d(unknown)/01, 0.000132090, 0.126527611, -0.125871098, 0.126643259, 500000.000000000, D
    2016-03-04 10:10:40.364424, slv, 0011b8fffe000f2d(unknown)/01, 0.000132090, 0.126502583, -0.125871098, 0.126620989, 500000.000000000, S
    2016-03-04 10:10:41.364928, slv, 0011b8fffe000f2d(unknown)/01, 0.000132090, 0.126477258, -0.125871098, 0.126597708, 500000.000000000, S
    2016-03-04 10:10:41.597591, slv, 0011b8fffe000f2d(unknown)/01, 0.000143337, 0.126477258, -0.125896773, 0.126597708, 500000.000000000, D

    But when I type date the system time is not updated:
    ~# date
    Thu Jan 1 00:31:32 UTC 1970

    I use ptpd2 version 2.3.1-rc2.

    Does anybody know what is wrong here?

    • hartlch

      hartlch - 2016-03-05

      I am having the same problem. Unfortunately there does not seem to be any documentation on how to use this PTP package. There are references to how it adjusts "the clock", but never specifies what clock they are talking about. It looks like this implementation only syncs the PTP Hardware Clock (PHC), but does not transfer that to the Linux system clock. I don't see any options in the configuration file to enable/disable this behavior as one would expect. The Linuxptp package has an additional utility that syncs the system clock with the PHC. I don't see something like that here. It would be nice if the project description page was updated to make it clear what this package does besides just implenting PTP.

      • Christian Joerg

        Christian Joerg - 2016-03-07

        There is the no_adjust option. I think this should disable the synchronisation of the system clock. But default this shouldn't be set.
        I started master and slave with --clock:no_adjust N but it doesn't change anything.

        I did the same with ptpd2.2.2. With this version PTP did synchronize the system clocks like expected.

      • Wojciech Owczarek

        Standard PTPd does not run hardware timestamping so it does not sync the PHC clock; this functionality should arrive in the next version. "the clock" is the wall clock - the system clock.

  • Wojciech Owczarek

    Clock is being updated - you can see offset from master decreasing. Furthermore, your log shows the correct date, which is performed using standard gettimeofday(), so the system clock is updated, only the "date" command for some reason shows incorrect time. You can try setting clock:set_rtc_on_step=y - in case if it's a problem with the RTC.

    It would also be helpful to state what h/w platform you are using, what kernel version and what OS.

    • Christian Joerg

      Christian Joerg - 2016-03-07

      I tried ptpd2 -s -i eth0 -V -C --clock:set_rtc_on_step=y but it still does not update the time.

      I use a i.MX6 on a custom eval board, kernel version 4.4.0-yocto-standard and the OS is poky1.8.1 from the Yocto-Project.

  • Wojciech Owczarek

    I am about to acquire a Wandboard for testing and it's also based on i.MX6. Again, note that your log output was showing the correct date, just the "date" command was not. The set_rtc_on_step setting will only set the RTC when it steps the clock, so this should probably only take effect after reboot.

    I have not seen this behaviour before. The writeMessage() function which logs a log message, uses gettimeofday() and it is showing correct time in your output, so if gettimeofday() has the right time, but date does not, something is clearly wrong and I'm not sure how PTPd is involved in this.

    Since you're using i.MX6, you may want to use my current PTPd branch which supports hardware timestamping: - and use the config file test/linuxphc_hw.conf.

    PTPd has got a very nice way to observe its current status - the status file. If you set global:status_file=/path/to/file you can watch it with watch -n 1 cat /path/to/file - this is normally much more convenient than tracking the log file.


  • Wojciech Owczarek

    I checked the coreutils/src/date.c code - it only uses gettime() and localtime() to get the time. I'm struggling to understand why gettimeofday() returns correct time but gettime() does not. gettime() used by coreutils is a wrapper which may use gettimeofday() or clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME). It may be the case that for some reason the two return different values - or it's a problem with coreutils / date.


    Last edit: Wojciech Owczarek 2016-03-07
  • Wojciech Owczarek

    gettime (struct timespec *ts)
      nanotime (ts);
      if (clock_gettime (CLOCK_REALTIME, ts) == 0)
    # endif
        struct timeval tv;
        gettimeofday (&tv, NULL);
        ts->tv_sec = tv.tv_sec;
        ts->tv_nsec = tv.tv_usec * 1000;

    This is the wrapper that date uses. gettimeofday() clearly works. Either nanotime() or clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME) are returning 0 seconds. nanotime() is a BSD function, so this leaves clock_gettime. Can you try compiling the attached source (gcc -o timetest timetest.c), running it and showing the output?

    • Christian Joerg

      Christian Joerg - 2016-03-07

      Here ist the output of timetest after the log of ptpd2 shows the current date. There is no bit difference between the two functions:

      clock_gettime: 783.717849426
      gettimeofday : 783.717911000

      I also tested also to sync the slave with the older ptpd2.2.2.
      Here it does sync the system clock. The log of the slave is listed below:

      2016-03-07 15:19:30.007412, slv, 0011b8fffe0130e3(unknown)/01,  0.000040439, -0.000077005,  0.000117171, -0.000045868, -1730, -16, D
      2016-03-07 15:19:31.006037, slv, 0011b8fffe0130e3(unknown)/01,  0.000040439, -0.000072173,  0.000117171, -0.000017500, -1802, -16, S
      2016-03-07 15:19:31.819645, slv, 0011b8fffe0130e3(unknown)/01,  0.000040655, -0.000072173,  0.000122682, -0.000017500, -1802, -17, D
      2016-03-07 15:19:32.006130, slv, 0011b8fffe0130e3(unknown)/01,  0.000040655, -0.000064081,  0.000122682, -0.000029569, -1866, -17, S
      2016-03-07 15:19:32.569570, slv, 0011b8fffe0130e3(unknown)/01,  0.000040853, -0.000064081,  0.000101355, -0.000029569, -1866, -18, D
      2016-03-07 15:19:33.006055, slv, 0011b8fffe0130e3(unknown)/01,  0.000040853, -0.000059133,  0.000101355, -0.000007189, -1925, -18, S
      2016-03-07 15:19:33.319581, slv, 0011b8fffe0130e3(unknown)/01,  0.000040845, -0.000059133,  0.000098278, -0.000007189, -1925, -19, D
      2016-03-07 15:19:33.757067, slv, 0011b8fffe0130e3(unknown)/01,  0.000041028, -0.000059133,  0.000094246, -0.000007189, -1925, -20, D
      2016-03-07 15:19:34.006139, slv, 0011b8fffe0130e3(unknown)/01,  0.000041028, -0.000055079,  0.000094246, -0.000021089, -1980, -20, S
  • Christian Joerg

    Christian Joerg - 2016-03-07

    I tested your new ptpd2 version 2.3.2 from Github. There the system time is updated, when I started it with the same command: ./ptpd2 -s -i eth0 -V -C

  • Wojciech Owczarek

    OK. Check out the example config file I mentioned, it has a decent set of parameters for filters and is well commented. With this version you get full support for timestamping hardware in your i.mx6.

    To confirm that this issue is gone, you should probably also test the final ptpd 2.3.1 from sourceforge, or the official PTPd git souce and see if it has the same problem or not. There has been a long list of changes between 2.3.1rc2 and 2.3.1.



    Last edit: Wojciech Owczarek 2016-03-07
  • phillipd

    phillipd - 2016-05-19

    I'm also also having this same problem. I am currently using the version in the hw timestamping branch here: Like the OP, I was having system clock updates with ptpd2.2.2. I've poured over all the docs and experimented with various settings - no success. Used the test/linuxphc_hw.conf config file as well as the one obtained from ptpd -O.

    Running on CentOS 7 3.10.0-327.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux.

  • Wojciech Owczarek

    I'm afraid "it's not updating the system clock" is too little information.

    What's in the log file? What's in the status file? Any chance your system clock has a negative offset and PTPd is refusing to step the clock backwards?

    I have some RHEL7 systems available to hand - let me have a look.

    What's the NIC you're using?


  • phillipd

    phillipd - 2016-05-19

    Status file:
    Host info : ssit-lab-2, PID 22262
    Local time : Thu May 19 07:43:36 EDT 2016
    Kernel time : Thu May 19 11:43:36 GMT 2016
    Interface : enp3s0f0
    Preset : masterslave
    Transport : ipv4, multicast, HW PTP
    Delay mechanism : E2E
    Sync mode : TWO_STEP
    PTP domain : 0
    Port state : PTP_SLAVE
    Local port ID : 38eaa7fffe3846b6(unknown)/277
    Best master ID : 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177
    Best master IP :
    GM priority : Priority1 100, Priority2 128, clockClass 248
    Time properties : ARB timescale, tracbl: time N, freq N, src: INTERNAL_OSCILLATOR(0xa0)
    UTC properties : UTC valid: N, UTC offset: 0
    Offset from Master : 0.000001664 s, mean -0.000000312 s, dev 0.000002586 s
    Mean Path Delay : 0.000020629 s, mean 0.000020063 s, dev 0.000000064 s
    PTP Clock status : calibrated, in control, not stabilised
    Message rates : 1/s sync, 1/s delay, 1/2s announce
    TimingService : current PTP0, best PTP0, pref PTP0
    TimingServices : total 1, avail 1, oper 1, idle 0, in_ctrl 1
    Performance : Message RX 7/s, TX 1/s
    Announce received : 39514
    Sync received : 79021
    Follow-up received : 79006
    DelayReq sent : 79068
    DelayResp received : 78923
    State transitions : 7
    PTP Engine resets : 1

    Clock 1: syst : name: syst state: LOCKED ref: EXT
    Clock 2: enp3s0f0 : name: enp3s0f0 state: TRACKING ref: PTP
    Clock 1: syst :
    offs: 0.000000000 adev: 0.000 freq: 0.000
    Clock 2: enp3s0f0 : offs: -0.000001664 adev: 4001.599 freq: -6992.020

    log file:
    2016-05-19 07:49:45.969390, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020406, 0.000002559, 0.000017307, 0.000022078, -5464.220000000, D, 13890, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000022078, 0.000017307
    2016-05-19 07:49:46.433610, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020404, 0.000002559, 0.000019548, 0.000022078, -5464.220000000, D, 13891, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000022078, 0.000019548
    2016-05-19 07:49:46.495068, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020411, 0.000002559, 0.000019751, 0.000022078, -5464.220000000, D, 13892, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000022078, 0.000019751
    2016-05-19 07:49:46.733373, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020411, 0.000001667, 0.000019751, 0.000022078, -5464.220000000, S, 14102, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000022078, 0.000019751
    2016-05-19 07:49:46.809344, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020421, 0.000001667, 0.000020413, 0.000022078, -5564.240000000, D, 13893, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000022078, 0.000020413
    2016-05-19 07:49:47.733437, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020421, 0.000001399, 0.000020413, 0.000021554, -5564.240000000, S, 14103, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000021554, 0.000020413
    2016-05-19 07:49:48.421530, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020441, 0.000001399, 0.000022825, 0.000021554, -5648.180000000, D, 13894, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000021554, 0.000022825
    2016-05-19 07:49:48.733404, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020441, 0.000000572, 0.000022825, 0.000020454, -5648.180000000, S, 14104, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000020454, 0.000022825
    2016-05-19 07:49:49.613603, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020469, 0.000000572, 0.000024086, 0.000020454, -5682.500000000, D, 13895, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000020454, 0.000024086
    2016-05-19 07:49:49.733442, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020469, -0.000000559, 0.000024086, 0.000019338, -5682.500000000, S, 14105, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000019338, 0.000024086
    2016-05-19 07:49:50.616489, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020488, -0.000000559, 0.000022825, 0.000019338, -5648.960000000, D, 13896, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000019338, 0.000022825
    2016-05-19 07:49:50.733481, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020488, -0.000001407, 0.000022825, 0.000018804, -5648.960000000, S, 14106, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000018804, 0.000022825
    2016-05-19 07:49:51.733544, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020488, -0.000002960, 0.000022825, 0.000016252, -5564.540000000, S, 14107, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000016252, 0.000022825
    2016-05-19 07:49:51.767033, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020486, -0.000002960, 0.000023072, 0.000016252, -5386.940000000, D, 13897, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000016252, 0.000023072
    2016-05-19 07:49:52.733485, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020486, -0.000002959, 0.000023072, 0.000018804, -5386.940000000, S, 14108, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000018804, 0.000023072
    2016-05-19 07:49:52.743201, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020483, -0.000002959, 0.000023072, 0.000018804, -5209.400000000, D, 13898, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000018804, 0.000023072
    2016-05-19 07:49:53.481468, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020475, -0.000002959, 0.000019125, 0.000018804, -5209.400000000, D, 13899, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000018804, 0.000019125
    2016-05-19 07:49:53.733596, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020475, -0.000001676, 0.000019125, 0.000018804, -5209.400000000, S, 14109, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000018804, 0.000019125
    2016-05-19 07:49:54.733632, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020475, -0.000001634, 0.000019125, 0.000018876, -5108.840000000, S, 14110, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000018876, 0.000019125
    2016-05-19 07:49:55.469639, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020440, -0.000001634, 0.000016113, 0.000018876, -5010.800000000, D, 13900, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000018876, 0.000016113
    2016-05-19 07:49:55.733633, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020440, -0.000000387, 0.000016113, 0.000021265, -5010.800000000, S, 14111, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000021265, 0.000016113
    2016-05-19 07:49:56.733613, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020440, 0.000001370, 0.000016113, 0.000022357, -4987.580000000, S, 14112, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000022357, 0.000016113
    2016-05-19 07:49:57.175217, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020405, 0.000001370, 0.000015362, 0.000022357, -5069.780000000, D, 13901, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000022357, 0.000015362
    2016-05-19 07:49:57.191015, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020380, 0.000001370, 0.000015197, 0.000022357, -5069.780000000, D, 13902, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000022357, 0.000015197
    2016-05-19 07:49:57.733700, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020380, 0.000001946, 0.000015197, 0.000022357, -5069.780000000, S, 14113, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000022357, 0.000015197
    2016-05-19 07:49:58.733717, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020380, 0.000003311, 0.000015197, 0.000025027, -5186.540000000, S, 14114, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000025027, 0.000015197
    2016-05-19 07:49:58.762211, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020369, 0.000003311, 0.000016113, 0.000025027, -5385.200000000, D, 13903, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000025027, 0.000016113
    2016-05-19 07:49:59.733707, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020369, 0.000003317, 0.000016113, 0.000022357, -5385.200000000, S, 14115, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000022357, 0.000016113
    2016-05-19 07:50:00.446495, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020362, 0.000003317, 0.000016113, 0.000022357, -5584.220000000, D, 13904, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000022357, 0.000016113
    2016-05-19 07:50:00.733792, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020362, 0.000001621, 0.000016113, 0.000021616, -5584.220000000, S, 14116, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000021616, 0.000016113
    2016-05-19 07:50:01.204716, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020345, 0.000001621, 0.000017094, 0.000021616, -5681.480000000, D, 13905, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000021616, 0.000017094
    2016-05-19 07:50:01.641438, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020353, 0.000001621, 0.000023199, 0.000021616, -5681.480000000, D, 13906, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000021616, 0.000023199
    2016-05-19 07:50:01.733807, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020353, 0.000000827, 0.000023199, 0.000020754, -5681.480000000, S, 14117, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000020754, 0.000023199
    2016-05-19 07:50:02.733844, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020353, 0.000000000, 0.000023199, 0.000019953, -5731.100000000, S, 14118, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000019953, 0.000023199
    2016-05-19 07:50:03.607441, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020387, 0.000000000, 0.000025330, 0.000019953, -5731.100000000, D, 13907, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000019953, 0.000025330
    2016-05-19 07:50:03.733860, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020387, -0.000001449, 0.000025330, 0.000017888, -5731.100000000, S, 14119, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000017888, 0.000025330
    2016-05-19 07:50:04.733886, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020387, -0.000002581, 0.000025330, 0.000017723, -5644.160000000, S, 14120, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000017723, 0.000025330
    2016-05-19 07:50:04.795268, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020405, -0.000002581, 0.000023199, 0.000017723, -5489.300000000, D, 13908, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000017723, 0.000023199
    2016-05-19 07:50:05.733864, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020405, -0.000002673, 0.000023199, 0.000017723, -5489.300000000, S, 14121, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000017723, 0.000023199
    2016-05-19 07:50:05.740550, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020406, -0.000002673, 0.000023199, 0.000017723, -5328.920000000, D, 13909, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000017723, 0.000023199
    2016-05-19 07:50:06.427640, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020407, -0.000002673, 0.000023199, 0.000017723, -5328.920000000, D, 13910, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000017723, 0.000023199
    2016-05-19 07:50:06.733949, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020407, -0.000002600, 0.000023199, 0.000017888, -5328.920000000, S, 14122, 0.000020173, 181, -0.000000201, 9319 0.000017888, 0.000023199
    2016-05-19 07:50:07.733876, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020407, -0.000000504, 0.000023199, 0.000021918, -5172.920000000, S, 14123, 0.000020428, 45, -0.000000225, 1994 0.000021918, 0.000023199
    2016-05-19 07:50:08.256707, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020404, -0.000000504, 0.000017965, 0.000021918, -5142.680000000, D, 13911, 0.000020428, 45, -0.000000225, 1994 0.000021918, 0.000017965
    2016-05-19 07:50:08.733980, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020404, 0.000002779, 0.000017965, 0.000024452, -5142.680000000, S, 14124, 0.000020428, 45, -0.000000225, 1994 0.000024452, 0.000017965
    2016-05-19 07:50:09.432875, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020421, 0.000002779, 0.000021567, 0.000024452, -5309.420000000, D, 13912, 0.000020428, 45, -0.000000225, 1994 0.000024452, 0.000021567
    2016-05-19 07:50:09.733973, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020421, 0.000002696, 0.000021567, 0.000021766, -5309.420000000, S, 14125, 0.000020428, 45, -0.000000225, 1994 0.000021766, 0.000021567
    2016-05-19 07:50:10.734056, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020421, 0.000001344, 0.000021567, 0.000021766, -5471.180000000, S, 14126, 0.000020428, 45, -0.000000225, 1994 0.000021766, 0.000021567
    2016-05-19 07:50:10.741390, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020451, 0.000001344, 0.000021567, 0.000021766, -5551.820000000, D, 13913, 0.000020428, 45, -0.000000225, 1994 0.000021766, 0.000021567
    2016-05-19 07:50:11.053012, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020470, 0.000001344, 0.000021567, 0.000021766, -5551.820000000, D, 13914, 0.000020428, 45, -0.000000225, 1994 0.000021766, 0.000021567
    2016-05-19 07:50:11.587669, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020494, 0.000001344, 0.000023041, 0.000021766, -5551.820000000, D, 13915, 0.000020428, 45, -0.000000225, 1994 0.000021766, 0.000023041
    2016-05-19 07:50:11.701399, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020524, 0.000001344, 0.000023202, 0.000021766, -5551.820000000, D, 13916, 0.000020428, 45, -0.000000225, 1994 0.000021766, 0.000023202
    2016-05-19 07:50:11.734075, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020524, 0.000000315, 0.000023202, 0.000019810, -5551.820000000, S, 14127, 0.000020428, 45, -0.000000225, 1994 0.000019810, 0.000023202
    2016-05-19 07:50:12.734042, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020524, -0.000001198, 0.000023202, 0.000018841, -5570.720000000, S, 14128, 0.000020428, 45, -0.000000225, 1994 0.000018841, 0.000023202
    2016-05-19 07:50:13.640560, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020542, -0.000001198, 0.000022889, 0.000018841, -5498.840000000, D, 13917, 0.000020428, 45, -0.000000225, 1994 0.000018841, 0.000022889
    2016-05-19 07:50:13.734093, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020542, -0.000001755, 0.000022889, 0.000018713, -5498.840000000, S, 14129, 0.000020428, 45, -0.000000225, 1994 0.000018713, 0.000022889
    2016-05-19 07:50:14.624282, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020547, -0.000001755, 0.000022889, 0.000018713, -5393.540000000, D, 13918, 0.000020428, 45, -0.000000225, 1994 0.000018713, 0.000022889
    2016-05-19 07:50:14.734091, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020547, -0.000001767, 0.000022889, 0.000018841, -5393.540000000, S, 14130, 0.000020428, 45, -0.000000225, 1994 0.000018841, 0.000022889
    2016-05-19 07:50:15.734100, slv, 38eaa7fffe38476a(unknown)/177, 0.000020547, -0.000001706, 0.000022889, 0.000018841, -5287.520000000, S, 14131, 0.000020428, 45, -0.000000225, 1994 0.000018841, 0.000022889

    Intel i350
    03:00.1 0200: 8086:1521 (rev 01)
    Subsystem: 103c:339e
    Kernel driver in use: igb

    clock:allow_step_backwards = y

    Thank you!

  • Wojciech Owczarek

    OK - this is a completely different issue.

    I see your system clock is showing up with reference "EXT" - I take it you have made system clock the master clock (for when your node becomes a PTP master).

    The correct behaviour in this situation should be that a PTP reference is preferred over an EXT reference when it is available - I need to re-test this.


  • Wojciech Owczarek

    sodding SourceForge... Four out of five times when I press "post", I lose my message and it's not posted. And the one time it does, I get all content and forget to copy the next one before trying to post! </rant>

    I have just pushed a change to my 2.3.2-linuxphc branch which fixes your situation. The master clock is now only used when PTPd is running as master or passive, and will otherwise happily sync to whatever best clock is selected. The reference name was also changed to "PREFMST" so it can be clearly identified. This has been tested successfully when switching between MASTER / SLAVE / PASSIVE.

    FYI - the log file you sent is not the log file, it is the statistics file. The actual logs (which are pretty rich) go to syslog, unless you specify a log file - check the man page / ptpd help / hw config example.


  • phillipd

    phillipd - 2016-05-20

    OK, based on what you said I removed the clock:masterclockname = "syst" option and the clock did eventually sync in slave-only mode. It took longer than I expected so I may not have noticed it when I was trying various options. I will also need the masterslave mode so I am gald you were able to reproduce and fix the issue. I will update and retest tomorrow.

    Many thanks,

    Second post due to SourceForge posting

  • phillipd

    phillipd - 2016-05-20

    I pulled the updates and tried to build. Running autoconf -vi produces an error in .configure

    596: PACKAGE_URL='
    Don't know where this is pulled from

    using ./test/linuxphc_hw.conf with the following mods:


    Clock 1: syst : name: syst state: LOCKED ref: PREFMST
    Clock 2: enp3s0f1 : name: enp3s0f1 state: LOCKED ref: syst
    Clock 1: syst :
    offs: 0.000000000 adev: 0.000 freq: 0.000
    Clock 2: enp3s0f1 : offs: 0.000000003 adev: 4.259 freq: -5433.762

    Clock 1: syst : name: syst state: FREERUN ref: none
    Clock 2: enp3s0f1 : name: enp3s0f1 state: TRACKING ref: PTP
    Clock 1: syst : offs: 0.000000000 adev: 0.000 freq: 7798.843
    Clock 2: enp3s0f1 : offs: 0.000346228 adev: 0.000 freq: 319281.778

    I can't tell if the system clock is being slewed or not but there is definitely not a step occurring at startup. Any ideas what settings may be affecting this? I would prefer a step to occur if the offset was greater than X (forward or back).


  • Wojciech Owczarek


    Thanks - there was an issue with some quotes around variables that affected some autoconf versions. This now builds cleanly. The URL is the url of the official ptpd repo - which is where this code is going when it's ready.

    OK - I need to post some documentation about the clock model in the new code.

    The system clock will only sync when the PTP clock is in LOCKED state. In your example, the NIC clock is TRACKING, so the system clock will not sync to it. This behaviour is meant to protect clocks from being dragged around if the source clock is misbehaving. So if your PTP clock is in good sync, OS clock syncs to it. If it goes wild, it goes out of LOCKED state and the OS clock detaches to protect its stability, and will re-sync when PTP is back in LOCKED.

    The state is based on the short term Allan deviation (adev) value, it has a high and low watermark setting (low is to enter LOCKED state, high is to leave it). Grep the built-in help for "adev" to see which settings control this. These settings are separate for hardware and for software clocks.

    At very low message rates, when outlier filters are enabled and when the network is very noisy, things may take a while to stabilise. In your first output there was "Clock 2: enp3s0f0 : offs: -0.000001664 adev: 4001.599 freq: -6992.020" - if 4000 is as low as it gets, you may want to set your threshold to that.

    The general rule is that you need to observe your clocks when you deploy them and see how they play with your network, and then set the various filter thresholds based on that. I would also recommend to set higher message rates, 4/sec or 8/sec or more. If the network is noisy, more samples for filters to choose from always helps.

    Comment re. stepping at certain thresholds noted, this is on my to-do list. Again, the principle with ptpd is to do the least amount of damage to clocks. Some care about the PTP clock (say if they use it for packet timestamping) so would prefer the clock not to be stepped at will, some only use it as a means to deliver time to the OS clocks.

    Does your PTP NIC reach the LOCKED state at all? What are the network conditions like?

    Watch the commits in that branch, I will be adding a step threshold.


  • Wojciech Owczarek

    ...and by the way - while some PTP clients do this, I think the decision to step the clock needs a more thoughtful approach. If you just blindly step when a threshold is crossed, this may do more damage than necessary. Say, you had a network event which caused the offset to look very high for say ten seconds. You see the offset, step the clock, offset goes away, then the event passes and you step it back because it is now off again. The better way is that an outlier filter holds / blocks the offset for some period of time and lets go only if enough time has passed - which is what PTPd aims to do.


  • phillipd

    phillipd - 2016-05-22

    I hear ya. I figured there was an aversion to stepping the clock for good reasons. The one exception that I think seems reasonable would be at startup. I see that there is an option for that but perhaps my problem is rooted in the NIC clock attaining the LOCKED state. I will watch this and let you know.

    I have been moving the GM source clock around on occasion to see how the system responds. I am protyping the use of PTP for an embedded system. My test rig is three nodes - one GM and two slaves. I will need the slaves to become the GM if/when GM fails. No real traffic in the system other than PTP, metrics collection, and display. I do not have a 1588 switch yet, I will be adding one with a transparent clock shortly.

    If the system can sync up at startup, then there should be no need to step - even after failover - and yes, timestamping is the primary goal here. The objective system does not have a battery on board so the rtc will be zero at boot.

    I will do more testing on Monday and try your suggestions. Thank you Wojciech.


  • phillipd

    phillipd - 2016-05-23

    Following you guidance, I tweaked the servo:adev settings - but no change. Monitoring the .status file, I see that the slave system starts up with both hw and system clocking in FREERUN. The phc eventually attains LOCKED state (sometimes) and syst clock moves to the 'STEP 5' state. The higer message rates (and latger servo:adev window) seem to keep the ptp clock from flipping between LOCKED and TRACKING, but the syst clock is still not stepped.

    Host info          :  ssit-lab-1, PID 28471                                                                                                                                                                                   
    Local time         :  Mon May 23 13:33:04 EDT 2016                                                                                                                                                                            
    Kernel time        :  Mon May 23 17:33:04 GMT 2016                                                                                                                                                                            
    Interface          :  enp3s0f1                                                                                                                                                                                                
    Preset             :  masterslave                                                                                                                                                                                             
    Transport          :  ipv4, multicast, HW PTP                                                                                                                                                                                 
    Delay mechanism    :  E2E                                                                                                                                                                                                     
    Sync mode          :  TWO_STEP                                                                                                                                                                                                
    PTP domain         :  1                                                                                                                                                                                                       
    Port state         :  PTP_MASTER                                                                                                                                                                                              
    Local port ID      :  38eaa7fffe38476b(unknown)/178                                                                                                                                                                           
    Best master ID     :  38eaa7fffe38476b(unknown)/178 (self)                                                                                                                                                                    
    Priority1          :  100                                                                                                                                                                                                     
    Priority2          :  128                                                                                                                                                                                                     
    ClockClass         :  248
    Message rates      :  8/s sync, 8/s delay, 1/2s announce
    TimingService      :  current PTP0, best PTP0, pref PTP0
    TimingServices     :  total 1, avail 1, oper 1, idle 0, in_ctrl 1
    Performance        :  Message RX 9/s, TX 26/s
    Announce           :  0 received, 195 sent 
    Sync sent          :  3127
    Follow-up sent     :  3127
    DelayReq received  :  2915
    DelayResp sent     :  2915
    State transitions  :  3
    PTP Engine resets  :  1
    Clock 1: syst      :  *name:  syst         state: LOCKED    ref: PREFMST
    Clock 2: enp3s0f1  :   name:  enp3s0f1     state: LOCKED    ref: syst   
    Clock 1: syst      :  *offs:  0.000000000   adev: 0.000    freq: 0.000
    Clock 2: enp3s0f1  :   offs: -0.000000022   adev: 4.653    freq: -5176.765
    Host info          :  ssit-lab-2, PID 10308
    Local time         :  Mon May 23 13:32:40 EDT 2016
    Kernel time        :  Mon May 23 17:32:40 GMT 2016
    Interface          :  enp3s0f1
    Preset             :  slaveonly
    Transport          :  ipv4, multicast, HW PTP
    Delay mechanism    :  E2E
    Sync mode          :  TWO_STEP                                                                                                                                     
    PTP domain         :  1                                                                                                                                            
    Port state         :  PTP_SLAVE                                                                                                                                    
    Local port ID      :  38eaa7fffe3846b7(unknown)/278                                                                                                                
    Best master ID     :  38eaa7fffe38476b(unknown)/178                                                                                                                
    Best master IP     :                                                                                                                                 
    GM priority        :  Priority1 100, Priority2 128, clockClass 248                                                                                                 
    Time properties    :  ARB timescale, tracbl: time N, freq N, src: INTERNAL_OSCILLATOR(0xa0)                                                                        
    UTC properties     :  UTC valid: N, UTC offset: 0                                                                                                                  
    Offset from Master :  0.000000081 s, mean  0.000000003 s, dev  0.000000177 s                                                                                       
    Mean Path Delay    :  0.000021105 s, mean  0.000021059 s, dev  0.000000022 s                                                                                       
    PTP Clock status   :  calibrated, in control, stabilised                                                                                                           
    Message rates      :  8/s sync, 8/s delay, 1/2s announce                                                                                                           
    TimingService      :  current PTP0, best PTP0, pref PTP0                                                                                                           
    TimingServices     :  total 1, avail 1, oper 1, idle 0, in_ctrl 1                                                                                                  
    Performance        :  Message RX 29/s, TX 6/s                                                                                                                      
    Announce received  :  100                                                                                                                                          
    Sync received      :  1589                                                                                                                                         
    Follow-up received :  1590                                                                                                                                         
    DelayReq sent      :  1558                                                                                                                                         
    DelayResp received :  1554                                                                                                                                         
    State transitions  :  3
    PTP Engine resets  :  1
    Clock 1: syst      :  !name:  syst         state: STEP 5    ref: enp3s0f1
    Clock 2: enp3s0f1  :  *name:  enp3s0f1     state: LOCKED    ref: PTP    
    Clock 1: syst      :  !offs:  5.947347628   adev: 0.000    freq: -26333.405
    Clock 2: enp3s0f1  :  *offs: -0.000000081   adev: 53.604   freq: -5125.227

    What do you think?


  • Wojciech Owczarek

    Hi Dan,

    If you actually watch the status file (as in, with the watch command if you have it in your shell - watch -n 1 cat somefile - you will see that the number after "STEP" is a countdown.

    See these two settings:


    This is disabled by default but if you'e using linuxphc_hw.conf, it is set to 60 sec. This should count down and then step. Does it do that?

    If you want to step immediately in cases like this, then set panic mode to n.


  • phillipd

    phillipd - 2016-05-23

    Yes, I've been using 'watch' on the status file. It was hanging on STEP 5 indefinitely.
    However, I have noe set ptpengine:panic_mode=n and it works much better. I will tweak it in and let you know if I observe the hanging behaviour again. Perhaps I'll set the panic duration to a lower value - say 3.


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