Manfred - 2008-01-24


Currently I'm running some tests with the PTP daemon (2 pc's, Debian etch, 2.4 kernel), and the results are quite positive; both clocks are synchronous up to tens of microseconds. However, when I disconnect the network cable, after approximately 10 - 20 seconds the clocks suddenly start to drift apart real fast ( +/- 0.1 ms per second ).

Now I don't think it's strange that the clocks start drifting, but I am amazed by the speed at which this happens. In contrast: if I just stop the PTP daemon instead of disconnecting the network cable, the clocks stay perfectly synchronized for a long time.

Shouldn't PTPd, after several minutes of being perfectly synchronized, have adjusted the slave's clock tick rate in a way that it accurately matches the master? And thus; shouldn't it be able to 'run free' for some time, without drifting, especially if both clock crystals match very well (which apparently is the case here...)?

Am I missing out on anything? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Best regards,