
How to synchronize two PCs with ptpd 2.3.1rc??

  • DongDong Qin

    DongDong Qin - 2014-07-31

    Hi,everybody,I want to synchronize two PCs(VMware,installed CentOS6.5) direcetly connected by cable with ptpd 2.3.1rc.

    So I wonder which ip_mode I should use,unicast or multicast? I set one PC as master clock by "ptpd2 -M --ptpengine:interface=eth0 -u",and set the another PC as slave clock by "ptpd2 -s --ptpengine:interface=eth0 -u".I use Wireshark to analyze the communication between two PCs.I can see the "Announce"、"Sync" and "Follow_Up" messages from master clock, and I can also see they entering the network interface of slave clock PC.But the ptpd 2.3.1-rc of slave clock can't receive these messages and there are ICMP messages in Wireshark that including "destination unreachable (port unreachable)".

    If there is someone who impletent similar experiments, could you do me a favor??Thx a lot.
    ps:My English is not very well, so sorry.


    Last edit: DongDong Qin 2014-07-31
  • Jan Breuer

    Jan Breuer - 2014-07-31

    first of all, you can try multicast, because it is much more tested and standard compliant.

    You have two PCs virtualized on one physical hardware? A had problems in the past to synchronize them, because clock tuning was not so virtualized as I expected.

    Please verify that you can ping first PC from the second one and vice versa. Verify also firewall settings on both PCs - UDP port 319 and 320 must be open.

    If everything works but unicast, we should investigate unicast communication and it would be helpful to test also version 2.3.0 in your configuration.

    Best Regards,

    • DongDong Qin

      DongDong Qin - 2014-08-05

      As you said, my problem is that UDP port 319 and 320 of both PCs are not opened.And now the problem is solved.The master clock sends Announce、Sync and Follow_up messages, and the slave clock send Delay_req messages, the master clock send Delay_resp when it receives the Delay_req messages. Thank you very much.


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